Page 229 - PDI Vol 2
P. 229

“Water  is  the  source  of  happi-
                                                                                ness,  energy,  health  and  piety,
                                                                                and is life giving as mother!”

         About the Theme

         The  quality  of  life  and  well-being  of  citizens  is  directly   Theme and SDGs
         dependent on having access to safe and adequate water supply
                                                                Theme 4 directly affects the following goals that are impacted
         throughout the year at the individual household level. The SDG
                                                                or dependent on this theme. This understanding of inter linkages
         –  Goal  6,  relates  to  ensuring  availability  and  sustainable
                                                                among the goals and between the targets is crucial for integrated
         management of water and sanitation for all. The responsibility
                                                                governance and policy coherence for delivering on this theme
         of providing water supply in the villages is devolved to Gram
         Panchayats  (GPs)  under  schedule  XI  of  the  Constitution  of   1.SDG  1  Poverty  affects  access  to  water  and  lack  of
         India.  Gram  Panchayats  have  an  important  role  to  play  in   adequate water in dry land farming leads to low incomes of the
         successful  implementation  of  the      program  for  making  the   farmers and landless labourers dependent on agriculture
         village water sufficient  villages by  creating   pipe network  for   2.SDG 2 connecting water to agricultural productivity  and
         giving house  tap connections, construction of  water harvesting   sustainable food production systems
         structures,    water  recycling  together  with      maintenance  of
                                                                3.SDG 3 Water borne diseases  and diseases and deaths due
         assets like hand pumps etc.  The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has
                                                                to water and soil pollution
         in the  thematic approach to localization of SDGs at grass-root
         level, Water Sufficient Village as the Theme 4.        4.SDG  4  Educating  the  children  on  WASH  practices  and
                                                                through them reaching the community

                        Aapo hishtha mayo bhuvastaa na urje dadhaatana; mahe ranaaya cakshase;
                            shivatamo rasastasya bhaajayateh nah; ushatiiriva maatarah – rg ved

                                                   Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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