Page 231 - PDI Vol 2
P. 231

Indicators  under  the  theme  -  Common  Indicators,   improvement  levels.  With  the  data  on  hand  form  the  water
                                                                testing, the GP can raise the issue and ensure the compliance to
         Priority Indicators Values
                                                                the acceptable quality of ground water by demanding relevant
         The  Annexure-I,  Table  2  gives  the  Indicators  of  the  Water
                                                                action  and  intervention  by  the  institutions  concerned.  The
         Sufficient Village along with the Metadata and Data Source
                                                                Panchayats  should  initiate  action  as  may  be  necessary  to
         All 30 Indicators in this Theme are common where Agriculture   achieve the targets
         is also practiced. If the area is a non-agricultural area, such as
                                                                a)  Functional House Tap Connections to all Households and
         fishing village, the common indicators come to 25. These 25 are
                                                                    Public Institutions
         applicable  irrespective  of  whether  the  GP  has    agriculture  or
         fisheries as the occupation.                           b)  Ensuring adequate and safe water supply to the villagers.

         Priority for this Theme would be given by GPs where water is   c)  Meet minimum water quality standards and be readily and
         an issue. National priority for FHTCs with 55 LPCD is one of   conveniently accessible at all times and in all situations
         the indicators in this Theme. Whether the rest of the indicators   d)  The  Panchayat  need  to  plan  for  appropriate  utilisation  of
         are chosen as priority is a choice of the GP. However, given the    ground water/ surface water / roof water for satisfying the
         2  Mission  mode  programmes  of  JJM  and  SBM,  KPIs  and   drinking  water  demand.  It  should  avoid  excessive
         indicators that are in these 2 schemes,  will  get attention from   dependence on a single source especially ground water.
         government and be prioritized in the GP by the official system.
                                                                e)  Adoption of appropriate technology.
         The  GP  can  leverage  these  schemes  as  well  as  utilize  the
         15  CFC grant mandated to be used for Water and Sanitation to   f)  Undertaking  rain  water  harvesting  at  household  and  at
         the extent of 60 percent, and maximize the achievement of the   community levels.
         outcomes of the Theme. Hence, this Theme may by default and   g)  Revival  of  traditional  water  harvesting  structures  (ponds,
         design be in the priority of the GP. It would be interesting to see   tanks, etc.).
         whether all GPs across the country have chosen this Theme in
                                                                h)  Recharging  and  maintenance  of  drinking  water  sources,
         their Sankalp.
         Interpretation of Indicators & Target Values
                                                                i)  Recycling  and  reuse  of  water  (kitchen  gardens,  reuse  of
         With  the  water  table  level  known  to  the  GP,  with  the  fall  or   waste water for agricultural purposes).
         improvement is also known, the GP is already taking number of
         works in that regard.  Water being the core responsibility in the   Grouped Indicators
         civic service provision by the GP, the households covered, the   From the total of 30 Indicators, availability of adequate quality
         hours water is given, etc. are managed on daily basis by the GP.   drinking  water  and  water  for  sanitation  are  primary,  essential
         The 30 indicators enable the GP to make its choice on  which   and non-negotiable for being a water sufficient village. To fulfil
         activities  to  take  up  in  a  systematic  manner,  setting  specific   these  and  other  livelihood  related  need  for  agriculture,  and
         target values for it. For example, the GP may decide to focus on   various  other  needs  like  for  washing,  Water  management  is
         water source improvements along with rain water harvesting so   necessary.  Water  management  involves  multiple  areas  of
         as to improve the ground water availability. Simultaneously, by   intervention,  like  water  budgeting,  waste  water  management,
         correlating with water use for agriculture or by any institutions   source  improvement,  rain  water  harvesting,  economic  use  of
         and business units close by, the GP (perhaps with surrounding   water especially in areas where water levels are fallen or falling.
         GPs)  can  address  the  high  consumption  or  pollution  and  set

                                                   Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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