Page 227 - PDI Vol 2
P. 227

Monitoring                                            monitoring of outcomes and the monitoring of activities are
                                                                  different and must be addressed accordingly. To clarify, the
            Monitoring needs to be done by  the different Committees of
                                                                  availability  of  infrstructure  includes  toilets  and  drinking
            Gram  Panchayat  and  within  the  Gram  Panchayat  e.g.
                                                                  water,  amongst  others  and  this  has  to  be  monitored  on  a
            education and health committee , Village Health, Sanitation
                                                                  regular and daily basis. The assessment would emerge from
            and Nutrition Committee (VHSNC), as the GP works out for
                                                                  the mechanism put in place to capture this daily status. Drop
            itself.  This  is  quite  likely  to  be  common  to  GPs  for  this
                                                                  out / transition rate while being a single figure would require
            Theme  and  may  be  covered  in  capacity  building
                                                                  attention  on  regular  basis  to  support  vulnerable  children,
            programmes.  Officials  of  related  line  departments  like
                                                                  support  the  delivery  of  teaching-learning  processes  and
            education,  Women  and  child  development,  health  etc.  may
                                                                  holistic education for the children in the GP, for example, to
            be included in this role. Mechanism for ensuring functional
                                                                  understand  that  activities  may  be  frequent  and  regular,  far
            toilets,  availability  of  drinking  water  in  schools  and
                                                                  many more than the end of period assessment.
            Anganwadis,  on  continuous  basis  need  to  be  put  in  place.
            Children’s  Report  Card,  some  survey  reports,  self-assessed   The  underlying  current  and  spirit  of  the  Theme  is  that  the
            reports, development progress as seen in the Dashboard on   leadership  of  PRIs  will  uphold  the  rights  of  all  children,
            SDG  Achievement  and  PDI  are  all  open  to  community   provide  them  protected  and  conducive  environment  to
            assessment by being open to all, as well as being specifically   flourish    and  to  provide  in  rural  India  Child  friendly  local
            placed in the Gram Sabha for Monitoring.              governance,  which  is  a  continuous  journey  with  annual
                                                                  exams for the adults in the GP.
            Self – assessment and Incremental progress/measurement
            -monthly / quarterly / half yearly / annually

            Within  all  the  indicators,  Gram  Panchayat  may  prioritise
            assessment  period  of  indicators  as  per  their  gravity.
            Indicators in which a little negative change may have great

            impact  of  the  outcome  may  be  assessed  monthly.  For     Where  the  vision  of  the  Child
            example  indicators  related  to  Child  Survival  (Maternal,      Friendly Village theme is
            Infant  and  0-6  child  mortality;  vaccination  status,

            institutional birth, birth registration, enrolment  and benefits   'To  ensure  that  all  children  are
            under ICDS services ) and issues related to child protection   able to enjoy their rights for sur-
            (cases of child abuse/POCSO)   may be assessed on monthly      vival,  development,  participation
            basis  for  self  –assessment.  Like-wise  Health  and  nutrition   and protection to reach their full
            related issues stunting, wasting, anaemia can be assessed on   potential.'
            half yearly basis; Transition rate, drop-out rate, child friendly
            infrastructure may be assessed on annual basis. However, the

                                                    Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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