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village already existing in the MoPR. However, it would be Goal 2: Targets 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5 mainly aim to end
very interesting and meaningful to see how the GPs score on the malnutrition, access to food for the poor,
indicators of the LIF on Child friendly village, that provides a
Goal 3: Target 3.7 Universal accesses to sexual and
concrete method of measurement of all the aspects involved to
reproductive health-care services.
take it to the level of the intent in the Child friendly Village
Theme, and such data will enable the GPs to look at it more Goal 4: Quality Education is essential for all children for
holistically, and take relevant action, based on specific areas enabling their development, acquiring new skills for better
needing attention. It is only when children are provided with employment and promote in gleaning opportunities
ample opportunities to enjoy all their rights, are adequately throughout life.
nourished, have prospects to play, pursue education and are
Goal 5: Target 5.1 focus on eliminating gender disparities
protected from all forms of abuse and exploitation we may say
in education, educating on gender equality, gender sensitive
that it is a child friendly village. To make it more participative
learning environments, literacy and end discrimination (4.5,
and truly child centric, one key indicator in the process is on
4.6, 4.7, 4b).
inclusion of the voices of youth and children in the Gram
Sabhas through the provision of Bal/ Balika (Children) Sabhas. Goal 8: Targets 8.6 decent jobs and entrepreneurship,
The Bal Sabhas will identify children’s priorities and integrate reduce number of youths not in employment or education.
these into the Gram Panchayat Development Plans. This is to
Goal: 10 -Targets 10.2 & 10.3 offers equal access for all to
ensure that policies, social protection schemes and programmes
education, especially the vulnerable, equality of
are inclusive and relevant to the needs and aspirations of
opportunity, political, economic and social inclusions.
children and adolescents.
Information and awareness on sustainable development
When children in the village have the freedom to express their
(Target 12.8) can be attained by the aid of SDG 4.7 -
opinions, are a part of the decision-making process specially
acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
which directly effects them and are better informed to make a
sustainable development.
decision at an appropriate age, we may say that it is more likely
to become a Child Friendly Village. Base education is essential to tackle climate change
Child Friendly Village & SDGs mitigation, adaptation, and early warning (13.3).
Children are the most important contributors when it comes to a Goal 16: Target 16.2 to end abuse, exploitation, trafficking
mass campaign, sometimes more able to create awareness for and all forms of violence against and torture of children.
their parents as well other adults of the locality. We have seen
To effectively promote a culture of peace and non-violence
their contribution in Total Literacy Campaign, Swachh Bharat
by ensuring effective and accountable institutions and
Mission, Beti Bachao Beti Padao and other programmes of
participatory and responsive decision making (Targets
National interest. Theme Child Friendly Village recognizes the
16.6, 16.7).
potential of children in all possible spheres of life and
encourages their voice in local affairs. Child Friendly Village About the Theme and Connected Themes
LIF cuts across all the below mentioned goals, as also seen in Child friendly Panchayat Theme and its indicators cannot
the targets thereunder: be viewed in isolation of other Themes and their indicators
as these indicators would also be part of the other connected
Goal 1: Target 1.3 offers appropriate social protection
Themes. Poverty of parents lead to malnourished and out of
systems to fight against malnutrition, access to food and
school children, ICDS services to mothers and children are
ensure equitable use of resources.
Theme 3: Child Friendly Village