Page 218 - PDI Vol 2
P. 218

community, care for the aged, support for differently abled, life   b. Primary  sources:  by  frontline  workers  in  case  data  is  not
         style  changes  leading  to  better  health,  mental  and  physical   available directly on portals/websites. Amongst the primary
         wellbeing. The LIF as of now does not measure all of these, but   sources  for  data  on  health,  will  be  the  various  Registers
         lays the ground for indicators that provide the status on various   maintained  by  the  Anganwadi  worker  at  the  Anganwadi
         aspects for a healthy village and tangible and intangible positive   centre, the data with the ASHA worker, Sub-Centre, PHC,
         outcomes.                                                  and GP own data. E.g., For data on disability, the GP must
                                                                    collect its own data.
         Connect to NPA
                                                                Data  collected  needs  to  be  collated  into  2  reports  -  Village
         Total 7 indicators are considered in this theme under NPA. 2
                                                                Health Report and Sub Health Centre report. These 2 levels will
         indicators  are  included  in  same  theme  i.e.  (1)  percentage  of
                                                                enable the department facility wise data to be obtained and put
         children (0-59 months i.e. aged under 5) deaths recorded in GP
                                                                into what is required for the GP as the GP Health data, for the
         and  (2)  Percentage  of  children  age  12-23  months  fully
                                                                Village Health Plan and Health development Plan for Healthy
         vaccinated  (NPA  records  0-6  years  data)  in  GP.  While  5
                                                                Village  while  simultaneously  drawing  the  support  and  action
         indicators  related  to  (3)  percentage  of  children  (6-59  months)
                                                                from the Sub-Centre and PHC, as the Centre wise data and plan
         recorded anaemic (<11.0 g/dl) (4) percentage of children (aged
                                                                becomes relevant from the perspective of the centre staff.
         under 5) recorded underweight, (5) percentage of children (aged
         under  5)  recorded  stunted,  (6)  percentage  of  children  (aged   Data Validation
         under  5)  recorded  wasted  and  (7)  percentage  of  pregnant
                                                                Systemic  data  validation  for  data  with  the  ANW  and  ASHA
         women and lactating mothers (including (children of 0-6 years
                                                                worker takes place. For other data, clear data validation process
         of  age)  identified/registered  and  received  benefits  under
                                                                needs to be put in place. Health data is mostly private and is not
         Integrated Child Development Scheme are captured in themes 3
                                                                shared. So, to the extent that the GP can work on the indicator,
         and 7.
                                                                the health data would be relevant. Further, the authentication by
         Data required for baseline                             the Data source as already being done for the HMIS data would
                                                                be  automatically  coming  through.  Wherever  the  data  is
         GPs  should  collect  baseline  data  on  infrastructure,  diagnostic
                                                                collected  by  GP,  the  validation  can  be  by  the  VHSNC  or  the
         services, and trained personnel at health centres. The GP needs
                                                                Panchayat  Health  Committee  as  applicable  or  functioning  in
         to look at the data available with the Anganwadi worker, ASHA
                                                                different States.
         worker,  morbidity  in  the  village,  what  are  the  frequently
         occurring preventable illnesses, such as malaria, diarrhoea, who   Monitoring
         are the most vulnerable, along with the other specifically listed
                                                                The  Gram  Panchayat  and  VHSNC  members  monitor  timely
         data points as per Metadata given in the LIF at Annexure Ratio
                                                                delivery  of  health  services.  A  citizen  charter  with  health
         Annexure I, Table 15.
                                                                services and standards must be made available to and published
         Data Collection and Data Source                        by  GPs.  Local  indicators  will  assist  in  monitoring  and
                                                                implementation of the Health Plan.
         Data will be obtained via 2 sources

           a. API integration: to obtain data from Health Ministry portals

                                              Theme 2: Healthy Village
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