Page 219 - PDI Vol 2
P. 219

Self-assessment and Incremental progress/              when due and more frequently and regularly. Such of the data
         measurement                                            that is also available on more frequent basis, real time, monthly
                                                                or such other program directed frequency, needs to be seen at
         Theme 2 LIF in full, for the calculation of PDI and arriving at
                                                                frequent and regular intervals. The same can be done for action
         the  health  status  of  the  GP  as  seen  through  the  various
                                                                to be taken by the GP. Close working with those systemically
         indicators,  should  be  done  and  measured  annually.  However,
                                                                responsible  to  deliver  health  services  will  lead  to  overall
         some  indicators  need  to  be  seen  more  frequently  as  the  issue
                                                                improvements  in  health  services  and  health  status.  Existing
         needs attention forthwith and needs a change that is to be done
                                                                guidelines  provide  for  say  the  VHSNC,  or  Mothers  group,
         or service delivered, which has further impact on health if not
                                                                which  can  be  very  well  drawn  into  the  roles  required  to  be
         attended  to.  One  can  easily  see  the  incidence  of  malaria,
                                                                performed  by  the  different  stakeholders  for  achieving  the
         malnutrition,  anaemia,  health  indicators  for  pregnant  and
                                                                Thematic goal of Healthy village.
         lactating  mothers,  vaccination  etc  that  must  be  followed  up

                                                       Theme 2: Healthy Village
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