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Resources and stakeholders                            Theme  within  a  year  with  a  resolution  or  'Sankalp’.
                                                                  Panchayat  will  work on other Targets also but the Sankalp
            Financial and Human resources under department of Health
                                                                  taken will be the focus area for that year. For illustration GP
            &  Family  welfare,  Women  and  Child  Development,
                                                                  can  take  Sankalp  to  achieve  all  targets  of  Child  survival
            Education  with the available resources of Gram Panchayat
                                                                  under Child Friendly Village in a year and to sustain it for
            are  taken  into  account  to  reach  up  to  the  Targets  of  child
                                                                  the coming years. Likewise, at an indicator level under child
            friendly Panchayat/Village. Time to time common Capacity
                                                                  friendly village GP may take a Sankalp to achieve that there
            building  programmes  for  the  key  stakeholders  like  ASHA,
                                                                  will be no class 5th drop out child in the GP.
            Anganwadi  workers,  ERs  of  GP,  ANM,  teachers,  VLCPC
            members, functionaries of GP, members of VHNSCs, SMCs   Actions required
            and PTA, are necessary to develop their understanding in a
                                                                  To  achieve  the  targets  (‘Sankalp’)  under  Child  Friendly
            same  line.  RGSA  Funds  can  also  be  utilized  for  special
                                                                  Theme,  Gram  Panchayat  has  to  take  different  actions  and
            training for Gram Panchayat members on needs of children,
                                                                  devise a process and plan on how it will go about to achieve
            Rights  of  Child,  mental  health  issues  in  children  and
                                                                  the  Sankalp,  may  take  help  of  concern  department,  NGOs,
            Pregnant women, Parenting, PCPNDT Act, role of VHNSC,
                                                                  and others. Panchayat can take a special initiative to obtain
            POCSO Act , Birth Registration, Adoption. issues like child
                                                                  the Target.
            marriage,  trafficking  etc.  so  that  the  Gram  Panchayat
            members can educate Gram Sabha members and be vigilant   To achieve no drop out or out of school child status, GP may
            on these issues.                                      proceed with these steps-

            Planning a time frame                                 Process Actions

            Time  Frame  should  be  fixed  by  the  GP,  can  be  matching      Collection  of  data  of  all  children  up  to  18  years  with
            according  to  the  NIF,  SIF  and  DIF,  but  according  to  the   their date of birth and highest educational qualification,
            priority  indicators.  Gram  Panchayat  may  take  a  Sankalp  to      Match  the  data  with  the  teachers’  data  collected  for
            bring  negative  Indicators  Targets  value  up  to  zero  and
                                                                      United  District  Education  System  for  Education
            positive Indicators Target Value more than the NIF as per its
            priorities  and  resolutions.  For  example  a  Gram  Panchayat
            wants  to  achieve  that  no  anemia,  stunting,  wasting  and      One to one discussion with the children and their parents
            underweight  cases  will  be  there  in  0-5years  age  group   with the help of teachers,
            children  in  the  Gram  Panchayat  by  2025.  The  GP  has  to      Identifying  special  needs  and  accordingly  the  bridge
            work  on  the  health  of  pregnant  and  lactating  mothers,
                                                                      courses/special educators,
            infants,  0-5  years  children  with  the  help  of  ICDS  and
            Department of health.                                    Liaison  with  schools  /open  schools  and  assuring  their
            For planning the time frame most important is that Targets
            directly  taken  from  NIF  will  be  set  to  achieved  as  per  the   Programme Actions/ Activities
            NIF timeline or before that and others not beyond 2030. It
                                                                  Collection of data of all children up to 18 years  with their
            would be different for different GPs. However, when taking
                                                                  date of birth and highest educational qualification,
            the sum total of all GPs, the targets set can be seen.
                                                                  Taking  actions  on  the  decided  process  is  the  Sankalp.
            Connect to Sankalp                                    Assistance from already existing programmes can accelerate

             Panchayats  may  choose  to  achieve  specific  Indicators,   the  process  towards  achievement.  For  the  above  example
            Group  of  Indicators,  Targets,  whole  Theme  or  part  of  a

                                             Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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