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P. 225

tapping  resources,  activities  and  facilities  available  under   ii.  Percentage  of  children  (3-6years)  registered  under
            ‘Samagra  Shiksha  Abhiyan’  can  be  an  appropriate  choice.   ICDS out of total eligible children(3-6years)
            Some  activities  that  the  GP  can  take  up  under  the  Theme
                                                                      iii.  Percentage  of  Pregnant  and  lactating  mothers
            would be:
                                                                          registered under ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant
               Awareness  programmes  on  Child  rights,  birth          and lactating mothers.
                registration,  POCSO,  Mental  health  of  children  and
                                                                      iv.  Percentage  of  children  under  age  5  years  who  are
               Special camps to cover birth registration of all children    v.  Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are

               Resolution  and  working  towards  child  labour  free    underweight.
                Panchayat.                                            vi.  Percentage  of  Children  age  6-59  months  who  are
                                                                          anemic (<11.0g/dl).
            Special initiatives
                                                                      vii.  Percentage  of  Children  age  (5-14  years)  who  are
            GP  can  encourage  educated  youth  to  help  these  drop  out
            children assigning one child to each youth on each one teach
            one. GP may also felicitate these youth for their services.     viii. Transition Rate (Primary)
                                                                      ix.  Transition Rate (Upper Primary)
            GP  can  also  take  some  special  initiatives  to  catalyze  the
                                                                      x.  Transition Rate (Secondary)
            process  to  achieve  the  Targets  of  the  whole  Theme  Child
            Friendly Village. For example-                            xi.  Transition Rate (Higher Secondary)
                                                                      xii.  Drop-out rate (Primary)
               Bringing  out  the  Report  card  from  Children  on  child
                                                                      xiii. Drop-out rate (Upper Primary)
                friendly Panchayat and discussing it in the Gram Sabha
                                                                      xiv. Drop-out rate (Secondary)
                and including actions required in the GPDP as the Child
                                                                      xv.  Percentage of children between ages 3-6 receiving
                Plan component
                                                                          some form of formal pre-school education or early
               Special health camps for children and mothers             childhood care in AWC

               Special  places  where  Grand  parents  and  children  can   xvi. Ratio of male-female enrolled in higher education,
                share  their  experiences  and  creativity,  motivating   technical and vocational education up to 18 years
                schools to call elderlies to share traditional know how,   Outcomes and LIF
                history and good practices of past.
                                                                  Outcomes  are  always  linked  with  the  objectives  of  the
            Connect to GPDP                                       Theme; they are the end results. Sum total of the outcomes
            GPDP  is  the  vision  document  of  Gram  Panchayat  for  the   will reflect as change or transformation that occurs because
            economic  development  and  social  justice  prepared  by  the   of  the  work  done  towards  to  achieve  the  Targets.  As
            people and for the people. Total 17 indicators of the Theme   mentioned in the earlier paragraphs, objectives of the Theme
            Child Friendly Village are also put under the GPDP and are   Child  Friendly  village  revolve  around  the  4  core  pillars.  If
            being  discussed  and  monitored.  Ministry  of  Women   GP attained all the Targets set for the Theme; the outcomes
            empowerment  &  Child  Development  and  Department  of   may be observed as-
            Education are the main partners of Gram Panchayat. These      A positive report card by the Children
            Indicators are-
                                                                     Overall improvement in the health of the children
                i.   Percentage  of  children  (0-3years)  registered  under
                                                                     A sensitive community towards issues of children
                    ICDS out of total eligible children(0-3years)

                                                    Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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