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5.SDG 5 Gender equality – women and girls bear the brunt of   Theme and connected Themes
         lack of water. It is women who travels long distances to fetch
                                                                The Theme 4  Water Sufficient Village is cross-cutting in nature
         water,  and  women  and  girls  whose  presence  is  there  at  water
                                                                and can be mapped to other themes. The Theme 4 is connected
         fountains.  Rarely  does  upbringing  see  boys  fetching  water  in
                                                                to  more  than  one  theme  such  as  Theme  1-  Poverty  free  and
                                                                enhanced  livelihoods  village,  Theme  2-  Healthy  village  and
         6.SDG  9  is  successfully  incorporated  via  integrated  water   Theme  5  -  Clean  &  Green  village,  Theme  6  -  Self-sufficient
         resource  management,  quality  and  reliable,  sustainable  and   infrastructure  in  village  and  Theme  9  –  Engendered
         resilient infrastructure                               development in village (Women friendly village).

         7.SDG  10  Making  quality  water  in  adequate  quantity   Theme Target
         accessible and available to all is one of the important aspects to
                                                                It is essential to assess clearly how the Gram Panchayat  is able
         reduced inequalities
                                                                to deliver on Theme 4 .This requires  careful selection of targets
         8.SDG 12 Sustainable and efficient use of natural resources,   for measuring broad areas that have implication on water, that
         recycling and safe reuse of water, reduce release of chemicals   together would deliver on the  strategic goals.  They   should be
         and  waste  into  water  and  reduce  waste  generation  provide   clear and easily understood by stakeholders who will be using
         healthy, hygiene environment.                          it.  The  Indicators  under  each  target  focuses  on  a  small,

         9.SDG 13 Climate change impact mitigation and adaptation   manageable set of information that can assist to take strategic
         measures for ensuring Water sufficiency                decisions  to  address  problem  areas  related  to  water,  and  can
                                                                measure  aspects  connected  to  water.  The  broad  theme-targets
         10.SDG  14  on  Life  below  water  in  particular  relating  to
                                                                and  the  numbers  of  indicators  related  to  Water  Sufficient
         coastal areas and impact on marine ecosystems
                                                                Village are given below:
         11.SDG 15 Life on land, completely dependent on Water

                                    Theme Targets                            No of Indicators

                  1       Providing access to clean Water to all households and public buildings in   9
                          the villages by 2024.

                  2       Provide access to sanitation in village                                 5
                  3       Achieve ODF sustainability                                              3

                  4       Grey Water management                                                   2

                  5       Construction of rain water harvesting and recharge works                2

                  6       Safeguarding of water bodies                                            1
                  7       Constitution of VWSCs in each Gram Panchayats                           1

                  8       Water efficient Agricultural practices                                  5

                  9       Water budgeting                                                         2

                                              Total Indicators                                   30

                                          Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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