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P. 232

The  grouped  indicators  under  the  Theme  provides  for  easier   In  hilly  states  and  villages  where  Forests  areas  are  in  the
         understanding on an aspect of Water sufficiency as below:   vicinity  or  the  GP  is  in  the  forest  area,  the  water  schemes  of
                                                                Environment  and  Forests  Department,  from  upper  reaches,  to
           Drinking water                              9
                                                                different  departments’  schemes  in  lower  reaches,  and  further
           Sanitation                                  8
                                                                others  including  MNREGA  in  the  plains,  and  basin  area
           Water Management /Waste management  2                schemes in irrigated lands have interrelationships that would not
           Water Management / Water Sources            3        only  be  connected  to  water  sufficiency,  but  also  to  the
           Water Management                            4        ecosystem and climate related disasters.

           Water Management / Agriculture              3
                                                                Planning Timeframe
         Resources and stakeholders                             The LIF consists of 30 Indicators. The choice of when they will

         Jal Jeevan Mission, is envisioned to provide safe and adequate   be  achieved  is  what  the  GP  must  make.  Waste  water
         drinking water through individual household tap connections by   management may be decided to be done in 2025, rejuvenation
         2024 to all households in rural India. The programme will also   of water bodies, may be annual, while improving them may be
         implement  source  sustainability  measures  as  mandatory   spaced  out.  The  choice  would  depend  on  the  funds  and
         elements,  such  as  recharge  and  reuse  through  grey  water   priorities.  29  Indicators  that  are  giving  actionable  areas  for
         management,  water  conservation,  rain  water  harvesting.  To   work, and the 30  Indicator that is necessary for looking at how
         ensure that the Panchayats are achieving this  national priority   much the GP is spending for a Water sufficient village. In view
         and  goal,  of  FHTC  to  all  households,  in  addition  to  the  GoI   of  the  national  priority  to  provide  FHTCs  to  all  rural
         allocation for the JJM, the GoI has issued specific direction that   households,  by  2024,  the  GP  has  to  plan  for  achieving  that
         out of the XV Finance Commission grants to the GPs, 30% is to   target  and  also  to  ensure  sustainability  of  that  level,  and  in
         be  earmarked  for  drinking  water,  rain  water  harvesting  and   future may look to enhance that. In view of the National priority
         water  recycling.                                      under  the  JJM,  and  the  government  at  all  levels  taking  keen
                                                                interest in achieving the FHTC at 55LPCD, and taking various
         If a Gram Panchayat is to become a 'Water Sufficient Village', it
                                                                actions  as  per  the  guidelines,  the  GP  must  look  at  all  the
         would  require  full  support  of  departmental  functionaries  of
                                                                connected  indicators  in  the  LIF,  some  of  which  are  the  KPIs
         Water  Resources,  Drinking  Water  &  Sanitation,  Rural
                                                                under JJM. Achieving this within the planned timeframe of the
         Development,  Land  Resources,  Health  &  Family  Welfare,
                                                                GoI will be receiving huge support from the administration. The
         Women  and  Child  Development  and  Panchayati  Raj  among
                                                                GPs are also mandated to spend from the 15  CFC grants for
         others. In addition, organizations such as, WaterAid,
                                                                this.  Panchayat  has  to  plan  for  in-village  water  supply
         UNICEF, are having focused action in this sector and presence
                                                                infrastructure through Single Village Scheme (SVS) or  Multi
         in different States. Not only should the GPs source their support
                                                                Village  Scheme  (MVS).  The  role  of  the  Department  dealing
         in various ways, but also the District administration and State
                                                                with  this  under  JJM  in  the  State  is  important  and  their  plans
         can see how their resources can be made better available to GPs
                                                                must  be  informed  to  the  GPs.  Multi-village  water  supply
         and  cover  more  GPs.  Similarly,  the  support  of  other
                                                                schemes have the potential to capture economies of scale and to
         non-Governmental  organizations,  College  students,  Youth
                                                                facilitate  higher  levels  of  service,  and  they  appear  to  offer  a
         Organizations such as the NYK & the NSS can also be taken
                                                                feasible and long-term solution to the acute water scarcity faced
         wherever required for making the village water sufficient. It is
                                                                rural  areas.    The  bulk  water    supplied  from  MVS    is  made
         also important for the Gram Panchayat to work with the local
                                                                available at the boundary of the village.
         community  to  bring  about  behavioral  changes  for  faster
         realization of SDG  6 and theme 4.

                                          Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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