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P. 233

As  per  JJM  schematic  guidelines  and  in  line  with  the   The  Indicator  framework  provides  for  all  these  aspects  in
         responsibilities  of  the  GP  under  the  29  subjects,  the  Gram   becoming a Water sufficient Panchayat. It would thus help the
         Panchayat  and/  or  its  Subcommittee,  i.e.  Village  Water  and   GP in the process of achieving the Sankalp it takes for water.
         Sanitation Committee (VWSC) / Paani Samiti/ User Group, etc.   The huge thrust and focus on JJM should be capitalized by the
         will  be  responsible  to  plan,  implement,  manage,  operate  and   GPs  and,  perhaps  it  is  opportune  for  all  GPs  to  achieve  the
         maintain  in-village  water  supply  infrastructure  and  water   Theme Water-sufficient village at the first instance. However, it
         resources  including  treatment  and  reuse  of  grey-water   is  for  the  GP  to  decide  which  Theme  and  in  the  Theme  4,
         protection  of  drinking  water  sources  to  meet  drinking  and   whether  it  would  like  to  achieve  and  work  on  some  more
         domestic needs.   Water budgeting and cost of water budgeting   indicators, especially if the FHTC has been achieved.
         are both aspects the GPs will need to consider for ensuring the
                                                                In  addition  to  that,  the  responsibility  of  supply  of  essential
         supply  of  water  at  55  LPCD.  Taking  the  instance  of  the  GPs
                                                                service of drinking water, in particular, the O&M, lies with the
         covered  by  MVS  -  they  collect  the  water  tariff  from  the
                                                                GP.  The  scope  of  water  supply  service  in  a  GP  starts  from
         community and transfer the proportionate bulk water charges to
                                                                planning  of  water  supply  system  to  source  treatment,
         the  respective  MVS-  VWSC.  The  MVS-VWSC  has  the
                                                                transmission,  storage  and  equitable  distribution.  The  GPs  will
         following responsibilities   in planning for water supply in the
                                                                be  able  to  improve  service  delivery  by  professionalization  of
                                                                O&M of water assets.  The    understanding of O&M as detailed
         1.  Prepare Annual  VAP  for integration into GPDP     below, would enable the GP to work it out:
         2.  Assist District Panchayat to complete the tender process to   a)  Operation:  Operation  refers  to  timely  and  daily
            engage service provider for O&M of water supply schemes    operation  of  the  components  of  a  Water  Supply  system
                                                                    such  as  headwork’s,  treatment  plant,  machinery  and
         3.  Decide  tariff  to  be  collected  from  GPs  towards    water
                                                                    equipment,  conveying  mains,  service  reservoirs  and
                                                                    distribution  system  etc.,  effectively  by  various  technical
         4.  Arrange  payments  towards  O&M  collected  from  Gram   personnel, as a routine function.
                                                                b)  Maintenance:  Maintenance  is  defined  as  the  act  of

         Connect to Sankalp                                         keeping  the  structures,  plants,  machinery  and  equipment
         It  would undoubtedly be the  desired situation that every rural   and  other  facilities  in  an  optimum  working  order.
         household  has  drinking  water  supply  in  adequate  quantity  of   Maintenance includes preventive/ routine maintenance and
         prescribed quality on regular and long-term basis at affordable   also  breakdown  maintenance.  However,  replacements,
         service  delivery  charges  leading  to  improvement  in  living   correction of defects etc. are considered as actions excluded
         standards  of  rural  communities.  It  would  also  be  that  there  is   from preventive maintenance
         adequate water for agriculture and allied sectors that form the   Actions Required
         base  of  the  livelihood  in  the  village.  The  GP  when  it  takes  a
                                                                The  Ministry  of  Jal  Shakti  (MoJS),  Government  of  India,  is
         Sankalp  would  look  to  reach  the  levels  of  being  a  Water-
                                                                implementing a flagship programmes Jal Jeevan Mission (JJM)
         sufficient village that would meet not only its current needs, but
                                                                for water supply. This program is convergent in nature and is
         also its anticipated needs for ensuring the future has no fall in
                                                                being  implemented  by  involving  Panchayats.  The  Panchayats
         availability of water to meet all its needs of desired standards.
                                                                have to:

                                                   Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village
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