Page 234 - PDI Vol 2
P. 234
Install, operate and maintain various water storage systems, b) Detailed specification of maintenance procedures such as
treatment plants and distribution systems like pipeline the frequency of attention (daily, weekly, monthly,
networks quarterly, etc.) and also fix responsibility for each item.
Ensure uninterrupted power supply for water supply works c) Communication of the procedure in writing to all
or install renewable power supply sources like solar panels concerned.
wherever feasible. d) Maintenance of registers in proper formats, where all
details are promptly and properly recorded.
Provide functional house tap connection ( FHTC) to every
rural household including Schools, Anganwadi and in e) Engagement of well-trained pump operators, mechanics,
public spaces like markets, bus stands etc. etc.
Ensure water quality monitoring and surveillance at f) Stocking of generally required spare parts such as joints,
distribution and consumption point nuts, pipes, etc., and maintaining stock register with details
of receipts and issues.
Construct Rain Water Harvesting (RWH) Structures in
Public buildings to collect rain falling on earth surfaces for g) Monitoring, regulating and exercising proper supervision of
beneficial uses, before it drains away as run-off. the work of private agencies entrusted with O&M
Promote water conservation and water augmentation
measures like recharging, water harvesting, and renovation h) Proper inspection of all assets in the water supply schemes.
of traditional water bodies like ponds and lakes i) Inspection and checking of log books for daily water
Implement recycling of waste water for different purposes
such as cleaning, gardening, agricultural and irrigation etc. j) Minimization of the electricity charges;
Process Actions k) Control over leakages and pilferage of water in the
Actions to be taken can be seen as that which is process, such as
listing the households, assessing the need of 55lpcd, assessment While listing the various process actions to be taken, the
of water availability in schools, Anganwadis, public places in understanding of what the GP needs to implement in terms of
the GP, identifying those who are to take on the key role as per Technical, Financial and Institutional systems, will lead the GP
the JJM, and as per future technical needs of the GP, sourcing to plan for them, in a clear manner, and equip itself. For
the training for them under the schemes of government and example, for ensuring the supply of water of 55lpcd as FHTC,
support of any NGO working in that sector in the GP, amongst as well as to meet the needs in Schools, Anganwadis, PHC/Sub
others. Centre, public buildings, the GP can look at it in the following
And some of the activities at Gram Panchayat level are
a) Preparation and implementation of standard operating
procedures to be followed covering, operation and
maintenance activities
Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village