Page 226 - PDI Vol 2
P. 226

   Enhancement  in  the  enrolment  rates  in  schools  and   Data required for Baseline
                quality of education
                                                                  For  the  Theme  Child  Friendly  Village  data  can  be  better
               Decreased incidence of child abuse                understood when seen around the 4 Pillars
               Conducive  environment  for  overall  development  of      Baseline  data  to  evaluate  efforts  towards  Child
                children                                              survival  -      Data  on  percentage  of  registered

               Better participation of children in the every walk of life   beneficiaries  out  of  total    eligible  beneficiaries    under
                                                                      umbrella  ICDS,  age  wise  and  gender  wise  data  of  all
            Panchayats  while  preparing  their  annual  plans  need  to
                                                                      children, percentage of Institutional delivery out of total
            prioritize   the   attainable   outcomes   for   immediate
            improvement in socio-economic parameters.                 number  of  births,  birth  registered    out  of  total  births,
                                                                      Infant  and  maternal  mortality  cases,  neonatal  girls  and
            Connect to National Panchayat Awards                      under  5  girls  mortality  cases,  essential  vaccination

            The child–friendly theme under National Panchayat Awards   status,  gender  wise  underweight,  wasting  and  stunting
            is  capturing  information  of  GPs  on  15  indicators.  Out  of   status  of    children  under  5years,  anemia  status  of  all
            which,  10  indicators  are  included  from  the  same  theme.   children  aged  under  0-5  and  5-14years  and  girls
            These  indicators  include  (1)  percentage  of  children  (below    between15-19 years.
            5 years of age) were recorded Underweight (weight-for-age),      Baseline  data  to  evaluate  efforts  towards  Child
            (2)  percentage  of  children  (below  5  years  of  age)  were   Development-Age  wise  and  gender  wise  Individual
            recorded stunted, (3) percentage of children (below 5 years
                                                                      Child related data  in which detail information like date
            of  age)  were  recorded  wasted  (weight-for  height),
                                                                      of  birth,    height,  weight,  Hb%,  educational    may  be
            (4)  Percentage  of  children  with  disabilities  receiving  Early
                                                                      taken.  Special  data  to  asses  needs  of  special/  disabled
            Childhood  Intervention  (NPA  captures  it  for  age  group
                                                                      children.  Data  on  child  protection  would  require  a
            3-6  years)  (5)  percentage  of  children  (6-59  months)  were
                                                                      different  method  as  this  will  not  be  openly  stated  or
            recorded  anaemic,  (6)  percentage  of  children  between  ages
                                                                      available.  Survey  may  be  used,  that  would  need  to  be
            3-6  years  receiving  some  form  of  formal  pre-school
                                                                      standardized. Data on participation would also be better
            education or early childhood care, (7) total budget earmarked
                                                                      obtained  by  survey  for  some  of  the  indicators.  The
            under Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) for child
                                                                      figures here are easier to get and reflect the true value of
            welfare activities, (8) percentage of children 0-3 years who
                                                                      the data point.
            are  out  of  school,  (9)  functional  Village  level  Child
            Protection  Committee  (VLCPC),  (10)  percentage  of  fully   Data collection, Data sources & Data validation
            vaccinated  children  (0-6  years).  However,  5  indicators    Most of the data related to Child friendly village is collected
            (11) Percentage  of  0-3  years  registered  under  ICDS  out  of   by  ICDS  (Poshan  Tracker),  Health  (HMIS)  and  Education
            total  eligible  children  and  (12)  Percentage  of  3-6  years   Department  (UDISE+).  ICDS  and  health  related  data  is
            registered  under  ICDS  out  of  total  eligible  children    available  at  Anganwadi  and  Sub-center  wise  respectively.
            (13) Percentage of institution deliveries (14) Pradhan Mantri   Data related to facilities for children in schools/within Gram
            Matritva  Vandana  Yojana  and  (15)  Percentage  of  Pregnant   Panchayat  can  be  taken  from  Children  through  specially
            and  lactating  mothers  registered  under  ICDS  out  of  total   designed questionnaires. Data related to child abuse can be
            eligible  Pregnant  and  lactating  mothers  are  captured  in   taken from VLCPC register or by a confidential survey. The
            different themes such as 2, 7 and 9.                  available  open  data  can  be  validated  through  the  family

                                                                  register, VHNSC meeting registers of all villages and finally
                                                                  in  the  Gram  Sabha  forum.  The  confidential  data  validation
                                                                  cannot be made in open forum.

                                             Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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