Page 221 - PDI Vol 2
P. 221

“We do not inherit the earth from
                                                                                our ancestors; we borrow it from
                                                                                our children”

         About the Theme

         The future belongs to children. Therefore, SDGs will not be in   the LIF provide a frame for assessment of the GP’s action for
         fair  sense  meaningfully  addressed  if  concerns  of  children  are   children.
         not flagged in the right light. Putting the children at center point
                                                                India has ratified the UNCRC, the UN Convention on Rights of
         would  enable  the  society  to  immensely  contribute  towards
                                                                the  Child,  which  is  based  on  four  core  pillars  of  Right  to
         addressing aspects that would lead to improvement in quality of
                                                                Survival,  Development,  Protection  and  Participation.  The  LIF
         life  of  future  generations.  One  third  of  India’s  population
                                                                has taken the same 4 pillars for frame of assessment of progress,
         comprises  of  children  and  the  country  has  a  demographic
                                                                with relevant indicators for GP level. UNICEF has also given
         dividend with adolescent and young people constituting 22 per
                                                                valuable inputs for developing the LIF specially related to the
         cent  of  the  population.  By  2030  the  present  generation  of
                                                                Children that forms part of the Panchayat Development Index.
         children  will  be  in  a  different  role  as  adults  and  youth.  Their
         involvement in the Panchayats would provide a perspective of   UNICEF  has  signed  an  agreement  with  MoPR  to  support
         children  for  the  Panchayat  representatives  as  well  as  Gram   through  technical  and  other  support  so  as  to  achieve  the
         Sabha  members  to  think  differently.  Their  aspirations  will  be   Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in rural India with the
         factored  in  and  their  interests  will  be  better  served  in  the   PRIs,  with  focus  on  the  Child  friendly  village  Theme.  Kerala
         decisions  taken  today  by  adults.  Holistic  development  and   has  taken  lead  on  Child  Friendly  Local  Governance.  In  other
         sustainable development seen in the context of children is the   States  too,  GPs  have  been  working  on  aspects  of  the  Child
         responsibility of the current generation of decision makers. This   friendly LIF, perhaps due to its generic appeal, and the various
         generation needs to more seriously consider that   their actions   schemes connected to children being implemented as  flagship
         today impact the achieving and the sustainability of the Targets   schemes of the GoI, (SSA, Poshan Abhiyan, ICPS, Khelo India,
         to be achieved by 2030. The Child Friendly Theme indicators in   Beti  Bachao  Beti  Padhao  etc),  and  awards  for  Child  Friendly

                                                    Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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