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indicators  in  Themes  of  Poverty  Free  and  Enhanced   Index. This set has also been prepared in consultation with
            Livelihood  Village,  Child  Friendly  Village  as  well  as   Ministries & States, UNICEF and select GPs. Understanding
            Socially  Secured  Village.    Addressing      malnutrition  in   of 85 indicators under Child Friendly Village becomes easier
            children is also part of the Theme of Healthy Village along   as  grouping  of  indicators  that  are  for  child  survival,
            with  Child  Friendly  Village.  Availability  of  safe  water  and   development,  protection  and  participation  of  children.  For
            sanitation  in  schools,  Anganwadis,  Child  Sex  Ratio  and   example, pregnant and lactating mothers, 0-3 and 3-6 years
            Education  for  girls  feature  in  Engendered  Development  as   children  and  adolescent  girls  are  facilitated  under  umbrella
            well  as  in  the  Theme  of  Child  Friendly  Village.  Providing   ICDS  services  to  fulfill  their  nutritional  needs;  pregnant
            functional toilets in schools is part of Clean & Green Village,   women are assisted by  ASHA and ANM for safe delivery,
            Self-sufficient  infrastructure  and  Child  Friendly  Village.   birth certificate by GP as first legal paper of identity to the
            Concerns over health of children, out of school girls, crime   Child are the indicators basically related to Child Survival.
            against children, child marriages are part of the indicators of
            socially secured village with child friendly village. Bal Sabha   Target Values
            is also a common feature of child friendly village and village
                                                                  For each indicator, a target value for 2030 needs to be set by
            with  good  governance.  Thus,  the  inter-relationship  and
                                                                  the GPs. This target value may be set not less than -
            efforts  taken  to  achieve  indicators  connected  to  children  in
            the  Child  friendly  village  Theme  will  pave  the  way  for   a.  A quantifiable National Target specified by Government
            achieving other themes also (and vice versa).             of India, either in the NIF, or under the Schematic KPI
                                                                      (which  would  be  better  than  or  equal  to  a  quantifiable
            Targets under theme child friendly village
                                                                      UN  SDG  Target  specified  under  the  UN  SDGs  for
            The  Vision  Statement  of  Theme  Child  friendly  village  is
            reflected  through  17  Local  Targets  (List  is  in  Annexure-I,
            Table 3) for the Gram Panchayats to work on. In broad terms   b.  The value of the top or average of the value of the top 3
            all Targets are based upon the core pillars of child survival,   performing States/UTs;
            child development, child protection and child participation.     c.  The value of the best performing GPs
            The Targets are measured by Indicators, around 85 indicators   For example
            (consisting of 63 indicators and 22 sub-indicators) are chosen
                                                                      a)  MMR  Target  3.1  calls  for  a  reduction  in  the
            to  track  the  progress  towards  17  targets  under  the  Theme
                                                                          global maternal mortality ratio (MMR) to less than
            Child Friendly Village. These are the small measurable steps
                                                                          70  per  100000  births  by  2030.  NIF  has  taken  the
            to  achieve  defined  Targets.  Performance  Indicators  under
                                                                          Target  value  as  described  in  SDG  Framework.
            this Theme have, as stated before been grouped under the 4
                                                                          Gram  Panchayat  being  a  small  entity  will  have  to
            core  pillars  i.e.    Survival,  Protection,  Development  and
                                                                          definitely take the Target value as zero, for reasons
            Participation of children. The training and capacity building
                                                                          that,  numbers  of  (live)  births  would  be  less  than
            inputs and the assessment frame of LIF move in tandem. The
                                                                          hundred,  and  consequent  value  of  the  numerator
            LIF is given in Annexure-I, Table 2.
                                                                          would be almost equal to 0.
            Interpretation of Indicators
                                                                      b)  Target value of Vaccination Indicator has been kept
            While flagship schemes have their KPIs and outcomes being
                                                                          100  in  NIF.  GP  Target  value  also  should  be  the
            seen,  GPs  have  this  entire  set  of  Indicators  for  inter-
                                                                          same at 100 % to meet the National Target.
            panchayat comparison that form the Panchayat Development

                                                    Theme 3: Child Friendly Village
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