Page 216 - PDI Vol 2
P. 216

Process actions                                        Prevention of HIV  AIDS: by building awareness on  safe  sex,
                                                                counselling to reduce HIV related social stigma, ensure social
         Situation Analysis -The indicators would point to areas needing
                                                                security for them.
         attention.  If  the  incidence  of  malaria  and  dengue  are  to  be
         reduced,  what  actions  are  to  be  taken,  where  are  they  to  be   Health Promotion:
         taken,  who  are  affected  more  by  them,  etc  questions  would
                                                                It  covers  a  range  of  social  &  environmental  interventions  to
         arise, and the indicators thus bring attention to the situation in
                                                                protect  people’s  health  and  quality  of  life.  It  is  important
         connection to it and push the GP to analyse problems, and then
                                                                especially  in  the  context  of  Non-Communicable  Diseases
         work on their resolution be it related to prevention, promotion
                                                                (NCD) such as diabetes and hypertension. It has the following
         or/and rehabilitation.
                                                                action points:
         Identify the main cause of the problem- The Gram Panchayat
                                                                Awareness  creation:  Promoting  healthy  lifestyle,  discouraging
         with  the  assistance  of  VHSNC  should  identify  the  causes  of
                                                                harmful  practices,  promote  sports/yoga.  The  GP  can  actively
         problem  to  solve  them  E.g.:  if  a  habitation  has  a  big  gap  in
                                                                join  the  Fit  India  Movement:  A  ward  member  of  GP  can  be
         immunization,  the  cause  may  be,  non-functioning  Anganwadi
                                                                designated as “Grameen Sports & Fitness coordinator.” GP can
         or lack of awareness etc
                                                                identify  fields,  organise  village  runs,  yoga  camps.  This  can
                                                                spread to more GPs and at the next level the Panchayat Samiti
         Programme Activities
                                                                and  District  Panchayat  can  get  involved  and  take  it  to  higher
         Disease Prevention:                                    levels  of  competition.  The  PRIs  do  not  have  to  rely  only  on

         Maternal health: Providing quality reproductive health services,   government  to  organise  it,  the  District  Collector  to  be  in  the
         monitoring nutrient status for mother and child, and providing   lead  or  the  District  Sports  officer  to  define  the  boundaries.
         nutritional support through kitchen gardens etc.;      There is more than enough spark and power in the community
                                                                and the PRIs to organise these. The whole of society approach
         Child health: Reducing mortality by addressing main problems
                                                                in this will certainly get flying rewards;
         like  respiratory  infection,  malaria,  diarrhoea,  vaccine
         preventable diseases, malnutrition;                    Community  engagement:  in  planning  and  identifying  health
                                                                needs,  health  &  nutrition  days,  etc  –  Children  and  Youth  are
         Prevention  of  communicable  diseases  such  as  malaria/dengue
                                                                most suited for communicating the messages in very innovative
         through ensuring there are no cess pools and stagnant water for
                                                                ways  of  IEC.  GPs  and  other  levels  of  PRIs  can  take  action,
         breeding  of  mosquitoes,  spraying  larvicide  regularly,  etc.;
                                                                without  waiting  for  government  direction.  Working  together
         Adolescent health: focusing on adolescent mental, physical, and
                                                                would  fulfil  the  programmes  of  both  and  lead  to  better
         reproductive  health,  organising  programmes  that  create
                                                                outcomes;  Build  Health  Infrastructure;  Facilitate  inter-sectoral
         awareness of the ills of drug and substance abuse, addressing
                                                                coordination:  Involving  various  departments,  NGOs,  civil
         anaemia in girls, by supporting the improving of the nutritional

         Menstrual  hygiene:  Steps  for  hygiene  and  waste  management   Rehabilitation:
         are essential;                                         This  focuses  on  achieving  functional  independence  in  daily
         Geriatric care: Regular screening, evolving local mechanisms to   activities  such  as  participation  in  work,  recreation  and
         look after abandoned old people, may be tie up with an NGO;   education, etc. Key action points are:

                                              Theme 2: Healthy Village
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