Page 212 - PDI Vol 2
P. 212

         Goal No.   Theme Target             Local Indicators                             Rationale

         3.5       9. Take steps to   15. .Percentage of people using Tobacco/  Youth is a vulnerable age group and drug
                   reduce the use of  Alcohol                                 abuse is a growing problem, which may

                   tobacco /                                                  contribute to demographic disaster. It leads to
                   Alcohol among                                              family feuds, economic distress, suicides,
                   adults                                                     domestic violence, etc.
                                                                              Such an indicator will show prevalence of
                                                                              drug & alcohol use
                                                                              Will help measure presence of avenues for its
                                                                              treatment, in form of de-addiction centres.
                                                                              It helps in understanding prevalence or extent
                                                                              of smuggling, trafficking, or production of
                                                                              such substances, so that necessary action can
                                                                              be undertaken.

         3.7       6.Ensure that all   16. Percentage of currently married women   Reproductive health care for all age groups, to
                   have access to   (15-49 years) who use any modern family   decide freely & responsibly the number and

                   sexual and     planning                                    spacing of children is a must. A higher birth
                   reproductive                                               rate may show lesser control over her
                   health care                                                reproductive rights. Moreover, family
                   services and                                               planning is key to gender empowerment and
                   family planning                                            combating poverty.
                                                                              This data shows prevalence of child marriage
                                                                              and teenage pregnancies.
                                                                              Indicates awareness & access to family
                                                                              planning, reproductive healthcare methods
                                                                              among adolescents and women.
                                                                              Can also be a proxy to drop-outs from
                                                                              education system
                                                                              It may be an indicator of women participation
                                                                              in labour force
         3.8       8.Provide      17. Total GP spending on Health to the total   It is often an indicator of priority given to
                   essential health   expenditure                             health by the local government.

                   care service to                                             It may also indicate resources pooled by GP
                   all in GP level                                            from NGOs & civil society

                                              Theme 2: Healthy Village
   207   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217