Page 213 - PDI Vol 2
P. 213

         Goal No.   Theme Target             Local Indicators                             Rationale

         3.9       9.Reduce the   18.Percentage of men and women reporting    Pollution is a leading cause of burden from
                   number of      Asthma in the age group 15-49 years         diseases like cancer, respiratory diseases, heart

                   deaths and                                                 disease, etc which affect health, societies &
                   illnesses from                                             economies.
                   hazardous                                                  Air pollution may indicate the use of polluting
                   chemicals and                                              cooking fuels in households, burning of fossil
                   air, water and                                             fuels as source of energy, lack of
                   soil pollution                                             electrification, stubble burning
                   and                                                        Soil pollution may indicate deforestation,
                   contamination                                              rampant use of fertilizer
                                                                              Water pollution may indicate lack of proper
                                                                              solid liquid waste management systems

         2.1       11. Ensure     19.Percentage of children aged under 5 years   Children and women are most vulnerable to
                     quality      who are underweight                         malnutrition. Availability, accessibility,

                     nutritious                                               affordability and awareness regarding
                     food to all                                              nutrition among the population especially
                     children aged                                            children, pregnant women and adolescent is
                     under five                                               key to a healthy population.
                     years                                                    Poor nutrition is a leading risk for death &
                                                                              disability, especially Non-communicable
                                                                              diseases and can lead to a severe cycle of
                   12.Reduce      20. Percentage of children under age 5 years
                                                                              poverty & impaired productivity of a nation.
                   malnutrition   who are wasted
                   among children,                                            This indicator shows awareness regarding
                   women          21. Percentage of children under age 5 years   nutrition, good food & sanitation habits
                                  who are stunted                             It may also indicate presence of poverty due to
                                                                              which children and women may be unable to

                                  22. Percentage of Children age 6-59 months   access nutritious foods.
                                  who are anaemic (<10g/dl).                   It may also indicate the attention given by
                                                                              local government, institutions, and civil

                                                                              society to the topic of nutrition.
                                  23.Percentage of Adolescent (15-19) Girls
                                  who are anaemic

                                                       Theme 2: Healthy Village
   208   209   210   211   212   213   214   215   216   217   218