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themselves. Panchayats Registers getting standardized and larger essential standardised data base of every Gram
computerized will also prevent repetition for GPs themselves. Panchayat. This would also enable the data currently available
Population profile, land details, asset details, household level by use of filters of hamlets, households, gender, age, income,
person and infrastructural information, street wise trees, lights, etc., for use in analysis and plans, and bring this unison of data
and such like can be standardised providing all monitoring availability making it easier for all by reducing time taken, costs
applications this data, without having to repeatedly collect it of manpower and provide standardised and clear information
and enter it for each application / Scheme / Portal. This is best for further action. This freeing up can be seen to provide funds
done by MoPR and is suggested in eGramSwaraj appropriately. for other data collection not presently being done.
Some States like Maharashtra, Kerala, have already done it for
GP level functioning, though not for inter-department use. This
can be examined by MoPR, and see how that which has been
developed can be suitably integrated, enabling continuity for the
State that has moved forward on its own, while avoiding
confusion and duplication. The repetition of same entry
The repetition of same entry multiple times by
different functionaries can hence be avoided, and
time freed can be used for better program
implementation or for data collection of that
which is not currently being collected without any
Survey as a data source collected presently, as in MA, and for
additional cost.
data collected by the SHGs, for preparation of the Village
Poverty Reduction Plan, is to be taken from, for the LIF & PDI,
multiple times by different functionaries can hence be avoided,
which was seen as having relevant and required data. The
and time freed can be used for better program implementation
mapping of all those data points available in these existing
or for data collection of that which is not currently being
surveys to the LIF data points needs to be taken up in detail, and
collected without any additional cost.
imported for use. Documents of data collection and aspects of
To understand better exactly where and what is available with VPRP, and MA Survey and LIF correlation are given in the
whom, the Committee took up a field visit in Maharashtra in Annexure-I, Table-21 and Table-18. Reference periods need to
June 2022, followed by a full and complete detailed work, for be specified and understood when using it in the LIF. The fact
all data points, done by Dr. Kalshetti, esteemed Member of the that all the Gram Panchayats will be using the same reference
Committee. The Theme wise list of the Gram Panchayat level period for this set of data, would enable a fair comparison.
source of data is given in Annexure-I, Table-15. This provided
Finally, there is the Gram Panchayat themselves as data source.
an excellent base to collect field data from the specific sources.
This is for all those data points where existing data sources are
Every State needs to do this and use this Template in further
in Gram Panchayat Registers, the available Government data
work and understanding of data sources and data availability.
collection mechanisms, still leave a gap, and such data can be
Data from these sources in the Gram Panchayat, go into various collected by the GP. As already mentioned, these may be of
Data Portals. Some have been mentioned in the Tables in the nature of information that does not come into the open and
Annexure-I, Table-14. In further work, each of these field needs a survey (e.g.: crimes against girls; consumption of
entities’ entries into which all portals for which all schemes, alcohol, etc.) or which is yet to be started to be collected (e.g.:
and what all is entered needs to be taken detailed account of, so toilet functioning, cleanliness, solid waste disposal, livestock
as to evolve not only API links for LIF for PDI, but also for the
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Data 37