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services infrastructure, etc.), or others that no one is collecting   standardize data set for access from and by different agencies,

         today.                                                 and  look  at  Survey  to  be  developed  as  per  relevant
                                                                methodology,  as  data  source  where  direct  data  cannot  be
         Data collection formats                                obtained.

         Data collection formats used by the Gram Panchayat need to be
         designed in a user-friendly manner using infographics, making   Data sharing
         the  process  visually  easier  to  understand,  well-grouped,  such   Data sharing is an integral part of the data collection process,
         that  same  type  of  data  is  collected  together  and  data  source   data analysis and in line with the policy of OGD. The Ministry
         wise, so that no source is re-visited by Data Collectors. Further   of  Communications  and  Information  Technology  has  brought
         the use of unique data point would ensure that no data point is   out  the  “Interoperability  Framework”  (IEFG)  which  establish
         collected more than once. The data collection done for the 30   technical  specifications  for  data  formats  and  protocols  for
         Gram  Panchayats  in  Maharashtra  moved  in  this  direction.  An   information  sharing  among  e-Governance  systems.  The
         example of the Formats used is placed in Annexure-IVB.    e-governance  standards  brought  out  by  Meity  for  application
                                                                across all Ministries of Government providing Data Standards
         Data Collection for NPA                                would help in the data being made available at GP level. (On

         The experience of the MoPR in NPA is very material to this. In   this  the  Chapter  on  Open  Government  Data  provides  more).
         the process of identification  of the Indicators  under NPA, the   Ease of data collection and the future of data collection at GP
         availability of data was examined on the basis of field testing,   level relies on Data sharing. As the institutionalisation of LIF
         and  the  selected  Indicators  have  passed  the  test  of  field
         availability.  The  data  source  check  list  of  NPA  gives  the   Ease of data collection and the future of data col-
         indicator – wise data source pertaining to GP or line department   lection at GP level relies on Data sharing.
         respectively.  A  set  of  90  Indicators  are  used  in  NPA.  The
         correlation  between  NPA  and  the  LIF  is  given  in    and  PDI  grows  and  strengthens  over  time,  all  available  data
         Annexure-I, Table 19.                                  points need to be sourced directly from line agency systems into
                                                                eGramSwaraj (eGS), serving as single source of information to
                                                                all  the  stakeholders  for  PDI  as  well  as  other  development
         LIF-PDI  and  NPA  need  to  be  in  tandem.  Both  LIF-PDI  and   programmes and initiatives targeted at Rural India. In such case,
         NPA  are  looking  at  data  collection  from  100%  GPs.  A   where data is sourced through an API, any change in data can
         comparison of Data source between NPA and the LIF has also   be done by the parent agency only. The system can be designed
         been done and it shows Annexure-I, Table 19. Hence the data   to  also allow any user to notify  any data discrepancy to ensure
         points and data sources correlations (and reference period) are   redressal in a transparent manner.
         very material to prevent repeated data collection, no differences
                                                                Current guidelines of NPA, expects the data sharing to be more
         of  data  collected  on  same  data  point,  and  evolving  system
                                                                a manual process of data collection for all its indicators, from
         whereby  LIF data being the  larger set can  feed into the  NPA
                                                                the  data  source,  collected  by  the  GP  Secretary.  The  line
         data automatically, without having to again collect it. In effect
                                                                department functionaries/resource persons are also identified by
         the  data  of  LIF-PDI  could  feed  into  NPA,  for  all  those  data
                                                                the States/UTs to facilitate the GPs for providing the requisite
         points that it is applicable, and thereafter the NPA validation as
                                                                data/information.  The  mentors/  resource  persons  identified  at
         per its guidelines can deal with it.
                                                                Block,  District  &  State/UT  are  made  responsible  to  ensure
         This  entire  gamut  of  data  sources  correlation  from  various   supply  of  requisite  information/data  to  the  GPs  for  answering
         sources needs to be done to finally arrive at that set which is   the  award  questionnaires.  Whereas  in  the  PDI,  it  is  expected
         not  collected  anywhere,  and  can  be  collected  by  GP,   that the least data should have to be collected by the GPs and

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