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Ministry at GP level. Survey data currently is also not giving   make  all  of  them  aware  of  the  awards  and  the  questions  and

         GP level data.                                         indicators  that  are  being  measured  for  the  NPA.  The  NPA
                                                                guidelines  provide  for  Data  Collection  with  the  Panchayat
         Some  Ministries  have  excellent  data  portals  that  collect  real
                                                                Secretary  as  the  key  person  to  collect  the  concerned  data/
         time data as  well as are using GIS and  geotagging in various
                                                                information  of  respective  appraisal  year  for  online  answering
         asset based schemes. Wherever it can be used it should be. The
                                                                the  questionnaires  through  National  Panchayat  Awards  portal.
         Committee  had asked for this information, to also look at the
                                                                The  line  department  functionaries/resource  persons  are  also
         layers that can be placed straight away and that which can be
                                                                identified by the States/UTs to facilitate the GPs for providing
         developed.  PMGSY  covers  rural  roads,  for  connectivity  from
                                                                the  requisite  data/information.  The  mentors/  resource  persons
         Gram  panchayats,  is  available  on  GIS,  and  managed  by  the
                                                                identified at Block, District & State/UT are made responsible to
         Rural Development Department. It is scheme works monitoring
                                                                ensure  supply  of  requisite  information/data  to  the  GPs  for
         driven, and gives complete information on the works, including
                                                                answering  the  award  questionnaires.  Data  from  Ministries
         the progress pictures and geotagging of the work sanctioned in
                                                                through API for that which is available is not yet in place for it.
         the  Gram  Panchayat.  However,  to  get  Gram  Panchayat  level
                                                                LIF needs to be connected as feeder to the NPA.
         data  on  it,  it  would  require  a  slightly  different  approach
         capturing the existing assets, and correlating different databases   Data Sources
         and  visualizations  already  done.  In  this  context  it  is  worth
                                                                The Gram Panchayat is the place, it is its people, its prosperity,
         mentioning  that  the  same  Rural  Development  Department
                                                                its various aspects covered under different schemes in its sphere
         collects data through the MA Survey, and its visualization is yet
                                                                of coverage from where the data is collected. These are  drawn
         to be done in terms of assets. Currently, it looks at the score and
                                                                into different Ministries/Departments considering the nature of
         works  on  the  Traffic  lights  presentation  of  the  score  of  the
                                                                their  work,  into  various  online/portals.  This  administrative
         Panchayat. Hence the correlation that can be made between MA
                                                                programmatic data is  what is now seen as the primary  source
         data  as  well  as  PMGSY  data,  within  MoRD,  and  Gram
                                                                for  data  for  the  PDI  indicators/data  points.  These  have  been
         Manchitra in MoPR, as all collect this information in different
                                                                mapped to the extent possible in this Report.
         parts  and  ways,  would  need  to  be  explored  for  a  systemic
         integration.                                           Mission Antyodaya as a source of data is to be drawn on where
                                                                there  is  no  primary  data  source  from  the  Ministry.  MA  is
                                                                basically  a  secondary  data  source  and  is  being  hence  used  as
                                                                such. In view of the existing link between MA and GPDP, the
                                                                use of MA for the data for LIF is also natural. The Ministry of
                                                                Panchayati Raj had taken up the inclusion of the LIF data to be
                                                                collected through MA and after multiple rounds of discussion
                                                                and  processing,  the  revised  MA  now  includes  157  indicators/
                                                                data  points  required  for  the  LIF.  It  is  worth  noting  that  some
                                                                data  points  collected  by  MoPR  in  eGramSwaraj  and  other
                                                                portals  of  MoPR  is  also  seperately  collected  in  MA.  There  is
                                                                thus overlap between MA and the direct data from Ministries,
                                                                and as stated above, the Committee would recommend use of
                                                                the Ministry data as that is the primary source and use of the
         MoPR has after adopting the approach of the 9 Themes has also
                                                                data from MA, where it is not available under the administrative
         re-oriented the awards given at National level. It has also gone
                                                                data  with  the  different  Ministries  concerned,  and  accordingly
         for  encouraging  all  GPs  to  apply  for  the  award,  in  the  bid  to
                                                                the API needs to be set up.

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