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Web Portal: ( has the feature As revamped National Panchayat Awards (NPA) is pyramidical
to capture the Hamlet-wise & Sector-wise detailed information, and multi-level competition at Block, District, State/UT &
Issues/Requirement by villagers through a mobile application, National level, provision of constitution of thematic committees
and upload Social & Natural Resource Map drawn by villagers at all respective levels is made for facilitation, monitoring
and Images of Para Baithak, Focus Group Discussion, Seasonal and data validation process under NPA. Constitution of each
Diagram. The theme-wise data captured in the Mobile Apps is thematic committee includes representatives of nodal & line
automatically ported to the Web Portal specially designed for departments/ministries for the scrutiny, assessment and
this and robust data bank is created and situational analysis, recommendation of Gram Panchayats or equivalent bodies.
data analysis and Draft GPDP Report can be prepared. In Para Block Panchayat Performance Assessment Committees
Baithak Portal, there are provisions to forward the suggested (BPPACs) constituted under each theme are responsible for
Plan and Issues raised by Villagers to Higher Tier. monitoring the progress of online answering of award
questionnaires. BPPAC (s) assess the responses/answers of the
top ranking 3 GPs under each theme and cross verify/validate
the data/information provided by the GPs through field visits.
Accordingly, a field verification report on prescribed format is
prepared by the committee and counter signed by the Sarpanch/
Panchayat Secretary and uploaded on panchayat award portal.
The recommendations of 3 top ranking GPs under each theme
to the higher level i.e., District are made through awards portal.
At present, 3227 Gram Panchayats are capturing the theme wise
Accordingly, district & state/UT follow the same procedure for
primary data through neighbourhood meeting (para baithak) for
assessment, data validation and recommendation of GPs to their
preparation of thematic Gram Panchayat Development Plan.
respective higher levels.
Data Validation under NPA
NPA is hence validating through an officials Committee, only
The NPA of Ministry of Panchayati Raj lays down on how the the top 3 ranking GPs at Block level and not 100%, though
data is to be collected and validated. Validation is through 100% GPs data is to be collected. This is the closest
each thematic committee with representatives of nodal & line comprehensive data set to the LIF of PDI. Hence, if data is not
departments/ministries for the scrutiny, assessment and available under other sources, is available under NPA data
recommendation of Gram Panchayats or equivalent bodies. collection, that data can be used currently as a reference for all
Block Resource Persons/Mentors identified by the states/UTs as Gram Panchayats to build from, as all have been asked to fill in
per NPA’s Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) are responsible data for NPA, after validating all the GPs data collected, if the
for monitoring the progress of online answering of award reference period and data sources are the same. The reference
questionnaires. Block Panchayat Performance Assessment
period is broadly same – Year ending 31 March 2022, for the
Committees (BPPACs) constituted under each theme /or single first NPA data. In future, once the data collection mechanism is
BPPAC with representation from line departments are
responsible for monitoring the progress of online answering of
Data validation mechanisms should be based on
award questionnaires. BPPAC (s) assess the responses/answers
what suits best for that kind of data. Where
of the top ranking 3 GPs under each theme and cross verify/
additional data from the same source used by the
validate the data/information provided by the GPs through field Ministry is to be picked up for the LIF, the same
visits. validation mechanism already existing can be
used. A sound validation process will lend due
credibility to the entire data collection process and
the institution of PDI.
PDI Committee Report - 2023: Data 40