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identification of data sources, data collection by source of data,   MoPR and include Members from the team from Maharashtra,
         perspective of data for use at GP level, need for survey and new   and the Members of the PDI Committee, who have  worked on
         mechanisms  for  getting  meaningful  data,  putting  in  place  a   this and have the field experience and from NIC, the key person
         standardized  mechanism  of  data  collection,  open  data,   who  will  be  developing  the  end  to  end  technical  platform  for
         validation  mechanism,  use  of  data  for  GPs  in  planning  and   use.  Other  technical  persons  of  suitable  level  and  with  sound
         monitoring, etc. The exact content and depth to which this goes   technical knowledge and adequate time and commitment need
         is dependent on the target group. The coverage is not only for   to  be  involved.  Strong  emphasis  is  placed  on  this  as  this  is  a
         the  ERs  in  the  GPs  and  the  Gram  Sevak  and  Data  Entry   new, evolving and needs to be grounded well. It involves a lot
         Operator, but also for the Line Departments and SHG group   of detailed and systematic working, while also considering its
         and Mentors and Support group ( such as GP Facilitation Team   importance needs the monitoring at a very high level in MoPR.
         for  preparation  of  GPDP).  The  UBA  youth  who  are  asked  to
                                                                Following the first set of core group in the State, the next step is
         prepare GPDP as per the UBA program, can be involved in this
                                                                to pilot it in different districts, and involve the RETCs/RIRDs.
         through  formal  involvement  of    UBA  or  through  local
                                                                A similar group of persons as for the core group need to be the
         institutions and colleges by the District functionaries. GPs can
                                                                district level / Regional level groups.
         also identify their youth who can be involved in this. The local
         NGO, the NIRD Cluster unit group, are amongst the choices   The next phase will be the coverage of all the GPs. Naturally,
         for the data collectors. The fact that the system to be evolved   the  whole  programme  needs  to  be  planned  on  numbers  to  be
         includes  validation  and  clear  source  identification,  the  data   trained,  timeline  etc.  State  planning  on  this  is  required.
                                                                Involvement of the officials, in the whole process is a sine qua
         collection team can be chosen from any of the above.
                                                                non. Including in the Officials, RD&PR as well as the Planning
         In each State/UT, a core group to pilot the data collection work
                                                                Department, the Economics & Statistics Department, and State
         needs to be first trained. This would be the main group that will
                                                                NIC would be desirable.
         do all the groundwork and become the Master trainers for the
         State.  These  Master  Trainers  must  include  select  Panchayat   The MoPR may consider to utilise the Capacity Building funds
         ERs, Gram Sevaks, Extension Officers, BDOs, anchor from the   for this purpose and suitably modify the Annual Action Plan.
         SIRD, Technical person from NIC, Technical person from the   Simultaneously, while training is going on, as the development
         Economics  and  Statistics  Department  in  the  field.  The  State   of  the  standardised  data  collection,  APIs  etc  will  also  be
         may  include  any  others.  Training  Manuals  need  to  be  written   happening,  modifications  to  the  training  program  will  be
         for this and all other concerned training. This perhaps cannot be   necessary.  Waiting  to  develop  everything  to  its  perfect  level
         done by NIRD, as they have not been involved in the PoC work   would  perhaps  result  in  nothing  starting.  With  basic
         and field data collection done in Maharashtra. The training and   programming  and  data  collection  and  validation  app  in  place,
         entire program to institutionalize data collection needs to be   the work can start. The PoC work done in Maharashtra stands
         managed  and  led  by  MoPR,  perhaps  from  its  e-Governance   testimony to the fact that the GPs can move forward and work
         division. Development of Training Manual needs to be done by   on the LIF and PDI, irrespective of the top-notch design.

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