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Data availability and source mapping in the Gram Panchayats in   For each Indicator, the data to be collected by Data Source is
         different States on the lines of Maharashtra is an exercise that   given  in  the  Annexure-I,  Table  15,  as  well  as  presented
         needs to be taken up for enabling Data collection. The formats   Ministry/Department wise in Annexure-I, Table 12. This latter
         are given in Annexure-IV-B. Considering how useful it would   is  highly  necessary,  both  for  drawing  interest,  attention  and
         be to the States and understanding of the field data availability   establishing the links between the data basket of  LIF  for PDI
         and  collection,  the  Committee  had  asked  for  it  to  be   and  the  data  available  with  Ministries.  There  is  need  for  a
         communicated  by  MoPR  to  all  States,  and  States  position
         thereon  be  collected,  for  inclusion  in  Report.  Such  collection
         will  also  enable  addressing  the  issues  of  data  availability  in
         different  States.  This  is  necessary  as  where  such  strong  field
         data  collection  at  Gram  Panchayat  level  in  Registers  is  not
         there, actions to bring them into place, need to be one of the
         first steps. Directly moving this into a tech platform may be also
         possible,  in  some  States.  In  some  States,  Registers  must  be
         maintained,  considering  the  availability  of  internet  and
         electricity. It is important however, to have a standard/uniform   deeper exercise to be done with regard to the various data points
         method for data to be collected on each indicator across Gram   available in the Database of the Ministries, as mentioned earlier.
         Panchayats  for  ensuring  comparability.  Standardization  of  all
                                                                Entering  data  into  various  portals  at  Gram  Panchayat  level  is
         data  points  to  be  collected  and  segregating  by  source  is
                                                                done  by  a  number  of  field  functionaries.  Some  data  such  as
         necessary for systematic data collection. States involvement in
                                                                number  of  households,  would  be  needed  for  SBM,  JJM,
         this  is  essential.  It  will  be  of  tremendous  use  to  the  States  to
                                                                Mahatma  Gandhi  NREGS,  POSHAN  Abhiyan,  UDISE+,
         have  such  standardized  formats  and  data  points  inclusion  in
                                                                HMIS, etc., and would be available in different portals . First is
         existing  data  systems.  The  experience  in  Maharashtra  has
                                                                there a need to enter it each time, and secondly, currently when
         reiterated and highlighted these as critical to data collection.
                                                                it is entered whether all of them reflect the same figure (where it
                                                                refers  to  the  same  set),  whether  all  use  the  same  source,
           Standardization of all data points to be collected   reference  period?  Whether  this  can  be  standardised  with  one
          and segregating by source is necessary for system-
                                                                single entry, of  households as taken from a single data source,
                         atic data collection.
                                                                recognised and accepted as correct & validated, is an  area to be
                                                                taken  up  for  creating  a  single  data  base  reflecting  common
         Gram Panchayats can certainly take the initiative to improve on   aspects of the village/Gram Panchayat data, that can be the
         the  ways  they  ensure  outcomes  &  monitor,  and  collect  data   place  from  which,  every  other  Ministry/Department,  that
         through more regular mechanisms, as they may evolve. Perhaps   wants to use it can dip into. One the most common is Number
         this may be a special initiative of the Gram Panchayat, and may   of  households  which  is  required  under  many  schemes  of
         well lead to evolving more grounded mechanisms. The proof of   different Ministries, and is part of the basic population profile in
         this  is  in  the  data  booklet  prepared  by  Ms.  Jyoti  Patil,   Gram   Panchayat,   is   collected   under
         Gramsevak,  Gopalpur-GP,  Taluka-Pandharpur,  Maharashtra,   eGramSwaraj.  This  is  also  collected  by  GPs  for  their
         and  her  feedback  of  having  found  this  exercise  of  data   functioning such as  for Property Tax in Gram Panchayat. GPs,
         collection as giving her the biggest data set  for enabling huge   who maintain detailed registers with this and other information,
         development  work  in  the  GP,  that  was  not  available  or  seen   itself  appearing  in  different  registers  of  the  Gram  Panchayats
         before.                                                would  find  this  standardization  and  single  entries  useful  for

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