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The  LIF  provides  the  basis  for  assessment  of  development   Supervisor/Sector  for  cluster  or  based  on  Facility  level  of
         status  of  Gram  Panchayats  on  the  9  Themes  and  overall   service  -  PHC,  Sub-centre  in  Health;  Secondary,  Upper
         position. The metadata of all the indicators of the LIF is given   Primary,  Primary  school  in  School  Education;  Livestock  Aid
         in  Annexure-I,  Table-2.  The  repeat  indicators  in  different   Centre; Agriculture Office, etc.
         Themes are given in Annexure-I, Table-7. The listing of unique
                                                                Though  service  and  scheme  operate  for  the  people  in  the
         data  points,  by  deduplication  of  repeat  numerators  and  repeat
                                                                villages,  the  Gram  Panchayat  as  a  unit  of  data  collection/
         denominators  reveals  the  numbers  as  43  and  43  respectively,
                                                                aggregation  is  not  mostly  being  considered.  However,  in
         which presents us with a data collection of 688 data points at
                                                                schemes where the Gram Panchayat has a direct role to play, or
         Gram Panchayat level.
                                                                the Department seeks to monitor it to great depth, especially in
         The  question  of  what  is  available  as  data  point  and  what  as   Rural  Development  Department  schemes  of  MGNREGA,
         indicator  is  necessarily  the  basis  to  look  for  data  whether  in   NRLM,  PMAY(Gramin)  (and  some  others),  and  in  the
         existing data with Ministries/Departments or from other sources   Department of Drinking Water and Sanitation flagship schemes
         and methods. This depends on  whether the indicator in the LIF   of  JJM,  SBM,  there  is  data  available.  In  fact,  in  JJM,  SBM,
         is already being captured in the Ministry/Department as a Key   there is data that goes further down to hamlet/village level and
         Performance Indicator, in  which case there is  scope to take it   in  NRLM,  upto  SHG  level  and  in  Poshan  Abhiyan,  up  to
         directly. In case it is not then whether the data  can be accessed   household and individual levels. While that may be so, even in
         from  the  existing  data  collected  by  various  Government   some of the above-mentioned ones, it needs to be aggregated to
         Ministries/Departments for their purposes connected to schemes   GP level, if it is not currently in the Monitoring frame. Where
         & programmes is to be explored. Data drawable from Ministries   funds flow through the GP, it is in the Monitoring frame and
         hence needs to go beyond that which is available at first glance,   the data at GP level is available.
         and on first take.
                                                                It is important to understand the difference between actual flow
                                                                of  funds  and  guidelines  of  the  Scheme.  As  per  guidelines  of

          Though service and scheme operate for the people      NHM, Village Health Plan is to be prepared at Gram Panchayat
           in the villages, the Gram Panchayat as a unit of     level and is to be an integral part of the GPDP, as well as the
           data collection/ aggregation is not mostly being     Block  &  District  Health  Plan.  On  ground  since  this  is  not
                             considered.                        happening,  the  GP  and  the  Plan  on  Health  is  not  having
                                                                significant Gram Panchayat Data. The sub-centre and PHC have
         Every  Ministry/Department  has  a  Dashboard.  This  Dashboard   their service and scheme implementation data, (especially with
         shows  performance  at  National  level,  under  a  scheme/  the ASHA worker, who has individual, family and household
         programme  &  its  key  components  -  physical  and  financial   level data), but do not have Gram Panchayat aggregated data,
         administrative data for management of funds and monitoring of   as  no  tagging  of  the  serviced  area  with  LGD  Code  is  done.
         physical progress, as required from the perspective of officials   There is a locational tagging for the Centre, as to which Gram
         for  the  expenditure  and  outputs  from  Central  Ministry/  Panchayat  it  is  situated  in.  This  gives  the  availability  of  the
         Departments of Government of India, to State Government and   infrastructure in a GP, but does not give the Health  status on
         Departments  of  State  Government  to  Districts.  Thereafter   various parameters of its serviced area by GP or Hamlet, though
         monitoring  mechanisms  start  varying.  Ministries  have   the details are available to levels of household and individuals,
         programmes  down  the  next  development  level  of  Division/  as they are not yet linked to arrive at the GP aggregate. As in
         Block,  such  as  in  Rural  Development,  Agriculture,  Health,   NHM,  the  flagship  Samagra  Siksha  Abhiyan,  provides  for
         Fisheries,  Drinking  Water  Supply,  School  Education,  and   Village  Education  Committee  and  the  School  Management
         further  down  as  per  administratively  functioning  structures  –   Committee,  as  well  as  the  Village  Education  Plan.  This  is

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