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( such as surveys and systems to capture local situation as for   negotiate  and  work  on  broader  and  more  areas  than  being
         example  daily  availability  of  water  etc.  in  houses  /  public   limited  to  those  falling  directly  under  schemes,  and  will  be
         buildings etc.), that provide the necessary data to the GPs, so   drawn  to  social  sectors,  economic  support  services  and  not
         that the LIF becomes also a tool in the hands of the Panchayats   focus  only  on  infrastructure.  Annexure-I,  Table-16  gives  the
         to see their progress in all the Indicators chosen to be worked on   correlation of the 29 subjects to the Themes and LIF.
         covered in the Plan (GPDP), make modifications, add activities,
         and be involved in a continuous manner as is needed to ensure   LIF and Sankalp
         effective  outcomes.  Annexure-I,  Table-17  provides  the   The MoPR had asked all GPs to take Sankalp to focus action on
         Indicators  from  LIF  covered  in  the  GPDP.  As  at  the  time  of   3 Themes. The All-India position of the Sankalp taken by the
         discussions  for  the  Report,  the  values  of  the  Indicators  in  the   GPs is  in the Table below: Total number of GPs/VCs in India:
         LIF  were  yet  to  be  presented  to  the  GPs.  The  recommended   2.69  Lakhs.  Each  GP  was  asked  to  choose  2  Sankalps  out  of
         mechanism of data collection from GPs, as has been done for   9 Themes.
         Maharashtra’s 30 GPs as part of the Report, can be taken along   This  gives  a  picture  of  the  attention  that  is  being  given  to
         with  all  the  administrative  data  that  can  be  obtained  through   different Themes. It is very heartening to see the importance to
         API or collected by the GP and shared by the data owner, for   the red flagged issue of Climate Change with the emphasis to
         the purpose of the GPDP for the Panchayat.             Clean and Green, the highest with 21.87%, next highest being

         The  GPDP  being  fundamental  and  essential  for  planning  by   Water sufficient village at 20.76%, which clearly are reflective
         GPs, it should be fully correlated with the framework of local   Table 3.2: The All-India position of
         Indicators (LIF) and considered as a primary step for achieving    the Sankalp taken by the GPs
         the  vision  in  the  Themes  as  envisaged  and  therefore  efforts
                                                                 Theme        Theme        Number of     National
         should  be  made  both  systemically,  with  developing  the                      GPs taken     Average
                                                                   No.         Name
         necessary technology for it, as well as the capacity building and                  Sankalp        (%)
         People’s  Plan  Campaign,  leading  to  the    plan  formulated  in   Poverty Free and
         GPDP being in consonance with the indicators and targets to be   1                  82940         14.82
         achieved.                                                        Village
                                                                 2        Healthy Village    100506        17.97
          The GPDP being fundamental and essential for                    Child-Friendly
           planning by GPs, it should be fully correlated        3        Village            66973         11.97
            with the framework of local Indicators (LIF)                  Water Sufficient
                                                                 4                           116128        20.76
                                                                          Clean and Green
         LIF and 29 Subjects                                     5        Village            122371        21.87
         The framework of LIF, with Targets and Themes has also been
                                                                          Village with
         correlated to cover the 29 subjects devolved to Panchayats, and   6   Self-sufficient   33560     6.00
         it is seen that the LIF is very meaningful to GPs in its coverage   Infrastructure
         of the subjects thereunder, their roles and responsibilities as the   Socially Just &
         local  self-government.  In  as  much  as  the  actual  devolution  is   7   Socially Secured   12237   2.18
         different  from  the  intention  of  the  Constitutional  amendment,
                                                                          Village with Good
         and also varies from State to State, we cannot use the measure   8                  20096         3.59
         from the  LIF directly  to assess the  work of  the Panchayat on
                                                                          Women Friendly
         constitutional  responsibility  delivered.  However,  the  fact  that   9   Village   4481        0.80
         the LIF covers all the 29 subjects and the scores draw attention   Data source: As per Vibrant Gram Sabha Portal
         to areas for improvement, the GPs will be in better position to             27 April 2023

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework
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