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(c)  Whether  there  is  facility  for  segregation  of  dry  and  wet   (g)  Whether  the  Primary  school  has  Computer  Lab  with
            waste in village;                                       internet facility;

         (d)  Percentage  of  Institutions  and  businesses  segregating  the   (h)  Whether the Primary school has Kitchen Garden;
            dry and wet garbage;
                                                                (i)  Whether the CSC has Drinking water facility;
         (e)  Whether  the  Scientific  disposal  /  recovery  of  non-
                                                                (j)  Whether the CSC has Computer with Internet facility etc.
            biodegradable  wastes  (plastic,  glass,  metal,  etc.)  is
                                                                    The  local  indicators  identified  under  this  theme  will  help
                                                                    the  Gram  Panchayat  to  assess  their  performance  in  the
         (f)  Percentage  of  houses  having  no  stagnant  waste  water   development of self-reliant infrastructures in village.

            around them;
         (g)  Percentage  of  pump  set  for  which  Renewable  Energy  is

         (h)  Percentage of net area under organic Farming etc. mapped
            with various activities under this theme.

         Theme -6 Self- Sufficient Infrastructure in Panchayat

                                                                Theme -7 Socially Just and Socially Secured Panchayat
                                                                17  indicators  are  included  in  this  theme  to  address  issues  of
                                                                vulnerability,  provide  for  social  protection  or  social  security
                                                                systems. Local Indicators include
         This theme has included total 68 indicators for preparation of
                                                                (a)  Percentage  of  Households  covered  by  a  Health  Scheme  /
         thematic GPDP. GP has to select different activities to deliver
                                                                    Health Insurance under Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri
         quality services for ease of living through indicating these local
                                                                    Jan  Arogya  Yojana  or  any  State  Govt  Heath  Scheme/
                                                                    Health Insurance  ;
         (a)  Whether GP  building has  Clean & safe drinking water;
                                                                (b)  Percentage of Eligible Receiving SSS-Elderly Pension;
         (b)  Whether  the  Anganwadi  has  Adequate  and  Safe  drinking
                                                                (c)  Percentage of Eligible Receiving SSS-Destitute Pension;
                                                                (d)  Percentage  of  Eligible  Receiving  SSS-SC/STs  destitute
         (c)  Whether the Anganwadi has Child Friendly Toilets;
                                                                    receiving destitute pension;
         (d)  If  PHC/HSC  is  there,  then  Whether  the  PHC/  HSC  has
                                                                (e)  Percentage  of  Pregnant  and  lactating  mothers  registered
            boundary wall and gate;
                                                                    under  ICDS  out  of  total  eligible  Pregnant  and  lactating
         (e)  If  PHC/HSC  is  there,  then  whether  the  PHC/HSC  has
            Available of sufficient quantity of Medicines;
                                                                (f)  Percentage  of  Differently  abled  persons/Women/Elderly
         (f)  If Livestock  Aid center is  not there, Whether the GP has
                                                                    persons/SC/STs having Ids cards;
            facility  center  for  Livestock  with  Adequate  water  supply
                                                                (g)  Percentage  of  Differently  abled  persons/Women/Elderly
            &water storage facility;
                                                                    persons/SC/STs provided with Assistive devices ;

                                PDI Committee Report - 2023: Local Indicator Framework
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