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aggregated to Block and District level plans. The involvement   In sum, there is seen to be almost all of the requisite data for the
         of the GP in the process of planning and in the access to data is   use for & by Gram Panchayat at Gram Panchayat level, some
         yet to be part of it on ground. The beauty in the school is the   going  down  to  hamlet,  further  to  household  and  individual
         detailed  individual  student  wise  data,  including  address,   level  as  well.  Only,  is  presently  not  seen.  The  process  of
         hamlet, Gram Panchayat, that are available in Registers, from   fishing  it  out  is  a  process  of  placing  and  using  the  relevant
         which that which is to be entered as per the data entry portals   tags  and  fields  and  currently  most  relevant  being  the  LGD
         are  only  entered.  As  in  the  Health  Center,  the  School  by   code.
         location  is  mapped,  its  area  of  service  is  also  mapped,  but
                                                                In the course of discussions with the Ministries, this LGD code
         specific  Gram  Panchayat  wise  data  is  not  readily  available.
                                                                and provision of data required, had come up & the Department
         However, the strong MIS systems of Health (HMIS) and School   of School Education was also well prepared with the number of
         Education  (UDISE+)  are  having  LGD  Code  seeding  and  the   LGD codes to be provided by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
         Gram Panchayat wise data can be fetched.               for  providing  the  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj  with  the  Gram

         The Anganwadi  Centres are even richer with age group wise   Panchayat wise data, as available in UDISE+.
         data  of  each  household  and  cover  a  large  number  of
         parameters, many of which are entered in the Poshan 2.0 Portal.
         The  MoWCD    takes  the  data  from  the  AWC  to  the  level  of
         Anganwadi  Supervisor  for  a  cluster    of  villages/Gram
         Panchayats.  Again,  here  the  LGD  code  and  all  details  can  be
         accessed.  The  ASHA  Worker,  the  closest  correlated
         functionary, and the AWW, both have the health data sets for
         the Gram Panchayat and to individual details, though they are
         not all currently accessible for Gram Panchayats.
                                                                How  many  of  the  indicators  listed  under  the  LIF,  and  data
                                                                points are already being collected in   the various portals of the
                                                                Ministries/Departments,  was  asked  by  the  Committee  to  be
                                                                identified  in  the  MoPR.  This  needs  to  be  carried  forward  in
                                                                MoPR.  These  indicators  and  data  points  that  can  directly
                                                                provide data at GP level is a process that needs to be taken up in
                                                                the first instance. Incidentally, the Ministry of Panchayati Raj,
                                                                as one of the steps in the process of Localisation of SDGs, has
                                                                had series of meetings with Ministries and Departments to draw
                                                                data  from  the  Ministries,  and  on  select  LIF  has  also  started
         Interlinkages  between  different  schemes  can  provide  Gram   getting  through  API  data  of  individual  beneficiaries  in  Gram
         Panchayat data, where currently different or specific schematic   Panchayats  under  schemes.  This  data  is  being  brought  into  a
         aspect is only seen. For eg: the link provided between HMIS &   eGramSwaraj  Portal  of  Ministry  of  Panchayati  Raj.  The
         Ayushman Bharat which latter has each individual's residence   Annexure-I, Table-22 gives the Indicators on which MoPR has
         by Village (if rural), and former has the medical and health data   started getting data at GP level from the Ministries.
         by  the  Health  Centre.  This  can  lead  to  health  data  that  is
                                                                This is a necessary exercise to be taken up so that not only is
         presently not available, ordinarily.                   data already captured used, it also reduces the errors of re-entry
                                                                of  same  data,  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  Ministry/
                                                                Department.  From  the  practical  point  of  view,  it  will  avoid

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