Page 193 - PDI Vol 2
P. 193

Theme 4- Water sufficient Panchayat
              1     55 LPCD water to HHs          Register no. 9 in GP
              2     Additional indicators needed on-   water recharging, soil conservation, increase in green zone, water pollution
                                                  minimizing measures, IEC for water sufficient village
              Theme 5- Clean and green panchayat
              1     3. Public toilets             School and AWC should be specifically mentioned while asking about toilet
                                                  availability in public spaces
              2.    Additional indicators-        HHs having Soak-pits, kitchen garden by using waste water, waste water treatment
                                                  measures, waste management from agriculture and processing it, revenue source by
                                                  selling processed agriculture waste, septic tank management measures, FSTP centre
                                                  availability in GP, e-waste collection and processing, medical waste management.
              Theme 6- Self-Sufficient Infrastructure panchayat
              1     Additional indicators-        Village information center and facilities, Milk collection and processing unit,
                                                  parking at market place

              Theme 7- Socially Just and Socially Secured village
                                                  No Changes suggested
              Theme 8- Panchayat with good governance
              1     Additional indicators         FPO may be added here
                                                  Celebration of Lokshahi Divas in each GP, Helpline for citizen services
              Theme 9- Women Friendly Panchayat (It should be named as gender friendly)
              1     Most of the women related indicators, especially crimes are not taken seriously in GP
              2     Additional indicators         Training on gender aspects, women work to be measured, women
                                                  entrepreneurship, superstitious practices to be identified and monitored,
                                                  widow dignity ensured, sensitizing for men taking care of children,
                                                  property rights to women, Awas schemes sanctioned in women names,
                                                  EWRs directly governing in Panchayats, Concession to widow women
                                                  children in education.

                                                 PDI Committee Report - 2023: Annexure-II                          169
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