Page 191 - PDI Vol 2
P. 191

Committee had detailed discussion with stakeholders GP Presidents and Secretaries on LIF targets and indicators and
         feasibility of getting data at GP level. This discussion followed the exercise GPs did on LIF in 9 thematic groups, where
         they through all indicators of the respective themes and suggested changes, revisions, rephrasing/rewording, deletion and
         need of additions in the LIF. Most of the indicators was fine for them and data availability was not an issue but for few
         they raised concerns of measuring indicator at GPs.

         Committee also had discussion with GPs on sharing their experiences of filling data for awards as few of the GPs got
         recognition in state specific awards.

         Post lunch, GPs carried out exercise of self-evaluation in all 9 themes by giving scores against each target. This is like a
         Target  Baseline  under  the  Theme.  The  purpose  here  was  to  introduce  the  concept  of  Targets  within  a  Theme,  and
         Indicators within a Target in a simple and rudimentary way. The exercise can be seen below.

         The  exercise  has  been  done  for  each  theme,
         scoring in range of 0-4 for each Target based on
         level of achievement of the Target. Total score is
         calculated as arithmetic sum of values they gave
         themselves on the Targets in the Theme. Every

         village  can  assess  themselves  by  using  this
         method  and  can  visualize  where  they  stand  in
         color  shades  as  seen  above.  The  chart  showing
         thematic  score  is  cumulative  score  for  all  the
         GPs which would help BDO to know the status

         of theme in Block.

                                                 PDI Committee Report - 2023: Annexure-II                          167
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