Page 194 - PDI Vol 2
P. 194

Day 3 Proceedings: Field Visit- exploring data availability and potential sources for LIF:
         Date: Jul 1, 2022

           Duration      Session details                                Mode           Facilitators
           09:00-10:00   Travel to GP                                                  Dr. Mallinath Kalshetti,
                                                                                       DDG & Director,
                                                                                       SIRD, YASHADA

           10:00-10:45   Visit to School and discussion with teachers and HM   Discussion   PDI Committee Members

           10:45-11:45   Visit AWCs-3 and discussion with AWWs          Discussion     PDI Committee Members
           11:45- 12:30   Meeting at GP: Formal introduction, purpose of meet-  Discussion   Ms. Jayshree Raghunandan,
                         ing, presentation by GP and discussion with GP                ACS, RDD (GoTN) &
                                                                                       PDI Committee Member

           12:30-01:30   Meeting with SHG women and ASHA works: Discus-  Discussion    PDI Committee members
                         sion with women and ASHA workers

           01:30-02:30   Return back to YASHADA

           02:30-03.15   Lunch Break

           03:15-03.30   Way forward: Discussion among Committee members   Discussion   Ms. Jayshree Raghunandan,
                                                                                       ACS, RDD (GoTN)

         1.  Day three was field visit to a GP named Jambhul in Pune district to understand the data availability in all institutions
            in GP and persons maintaining records along with the nature of records they maintain. Committee minutely went
            into records of all institutions and had detailed discussions with functionaries who collected the data periodically.

         2.  First  visit  to  school  to  understand  the  data  availability  and  method  and  periodicity  of  collection  of  data.  It
            specifically  focussed  on  child  enrolment,  drop  out,  migration  data  along  with  transition  to  higher  levels  of  a
            particular child.

         3.  Committee visited 3 AWCs and looked into the records it maintained related to children, women and adolescent

         4.  GP presented their  status and  progress  they  made  in  different  development  sector  with  giving  demographic  data
            followed by Committee carefully studying the registers on fund flow especially under XV FC and other sources.

         5.  It  had  also  held  discussion  with  women  SHGs  who  felicitated  Committee  with  the  products  they  made.  SHG
            members told them that they are producing and marketing their goods/products with the help of an NGO and it is
            really  benefitting  them.  Committee  tried  to  understand  the issues  women  face  and  mechanism  of  addressing  the
            issues in GP including that of gender-based discrimination, exploitation, violence.

         6.  Committee also discussed with ASHA workers in same meeting and understood the issues of women health issues
            and support they get from ASHA workers and AWWs if needed. It went into studying the records ASHA workers
            maintained and process and periodicity of collecting data along with nature of data it maintained. ASHA workers

                                      PDI Committee Report - 2023: Annexure-II
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