Page 197 - PDI Vol 2
P. 197

About the Theme
         Poverty is a multi-dimensional phenomenon. There are several   by 2030 and to reduce the number of  men,  women, and
         economic, social, gender and other deprivations contributing to   children living in poverty by at least half
         poverty. Poverty affects health, education, water and sanitation
                                                                  2.  Goal  2  -  Zero  hunger:  End  hunger,  achieve  food
         and  increased  vulnerability  to  disasters.  Making  villages
                                                                     security  and  improved  nutrition  and  promote  sustainable
         poverty-free  is  essential  for  improving  the  standard  of  living
                                                                     agriculture.  This  goal  strives  to  end  hunger  and  ensure
         promoting  economic  growth,  social  stability,  and  achieving
                                                                     access to safe and nutritious  food for all people all year
         sustainable  development  goals.  Enhancing  livelihoods  in
                                                                     round by the year 2030. It also strives to end malnutrition,
         villages  involves  a  range  of  interventions  that  improve  the
                                                                     particularly for children under the age of five, adolescent
         income-generating  opportunities  and  economic  activities
                                                                     girls, pregnant women, and older persons.
         available  to  people  living  in  these  areas.  The  problems  of
         poverty  and  livelihoods  are  inter-linked  and  need  a  concrete   3.  Goal 3  - Good Health and Well-being: Ensure healthy
         action plan.                                                lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. Through
                                                                     this goal, the hope is to significantly reduce the maternal
         Theme and SDGs                                              mortality  rate,  end  preventable  deaths  for  newborns  and

         Theme  1  is  an  integration  of  multiple  SDGs  viz,1    children  under  five  years  of  age,  and  end  the  disease
         2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10  and  13.  This  shows  the  multiple  links  of   epidemics  for  AIDs,  malaria,  tuberculosis,  tropical
         poverty to various aspects of life and as to why No Poverty is   diseases,  hepatitis,  water-borne  diseases,  and  other
         SDG 1 and is Theme 1.                                       communicable diseases

           1.  SDG Goal 1 - No poverty: End poverty in all its forms   4.  Goal  4  -  Quality  Education:  Ensure  inclusive  and
             everywhere. The goal aims to eliminate extreme poverty   equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
                                                                     opportunities  for  all.  The  first  target  of  this  goal  is  to

                                         Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
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