Page 200 - PDI Vol 2
P. 200

Interpretation of Targets & Indicator Values

         Poverty being a vicious cycle and multi-dimensional, use of the Targets values and indicators gives a much more holistic approach.
         Understanding poverty and the level at which one is in its different dimensions, gives a specific course of action to address poverty.
         Added to this is the scope to combine household level data with the score on the different parameters. This further throws up the
         cause and effect for the poor and ultra poor. Addressing poverty would require addressing these different dimensions and setting
         levels for improvement in a time frame.

         Stakeholders and Resources

         There are multiple stakeholders involved in making a village poverty-free and enhancing livelihoods,
           a)  State  Government:  The  state  government  plays  a  significant  role  in  poverty  reduction  by  formulating  and
              implementing  policies  and  programs  that  create  opportunities  for  employment,  education,  healthcare,  and  access  to  basic

           b)  Non-governmental  organizations  (NGOs):  NGOs work towards poverty alleviation by supporting communities with
              social services, education, and health care. They may also provide training and micro-finance opportunities to support small

           c)  Elected Representatives (ERs): ERs of Gram Panchayat are responsible to prepare plans and implement schemes for
              poverty reduction and employment generation. They mobilize community and involve people in decision making for talking
              up development activities, They also mobilise own source revenues to fund the ongoing expenditure, or create community
              assets,  such  as  threshing  floor,  fish  drying  yard,  rain  water  harvesting  structures  that  contribute  to  water  availability  for
              various needs, etc.
           d)  Local community leaders: Village leaders play a crucial role in identifying the needs of the community and advocating
              for their rights. They can help to mobilize the community and support initiatives aimed at improving livelihoods.

           e)  Line Departments: The line departments function as development partners and provide funding and technical support
              to help implement poverty reduction programs and initiatives in villages.

           f)  Community: The choices of beneficiaries and support that can be given to the poor, ultra poor and vulnerable, can be
              done by every individual and the community through community development initiatives, supporting local businesses, and
              advocating for their rights.

           g)  Financial  Institutions:  They  have  a  key  role  to  play  in  extending  suitable  financial  products  and  enabling  the
              Government programmes for financial inclusion to reach the poor.
         There are multiple resources & funding support for making a village poverty-free and enhancing livelihoods. Some of the important
         resources include:

           a)  Flagship  schemes  and  other  income  generating  Central  and  State  Government  schemes:  Various  government  schemes  are
              implemented to help the poor and marginalized sections of society. Some of the schemes include Pradhan Mantri Gramin
              Awaas Yojana (PMGAY), Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana - Gramin (PMAY-G), National Rural Employment Guarantee Act
              (NREGA),  Pradhan  Mantri  Jan  Dhan  Yojana  (PMJDY).  In  addition  to  schemes.  the  Gram  Panchayats  also  mobilize  own
              source revenues.

                                Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
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