Page 205 - PDI Vol 2
P. 205

Outcomes of LIF

         The emphasis on addressing and ending poverty is a universal goal and at the top of the list. Its ramifications cut across all aspects.
         The LIF has tried to bring into the measurement frame all the aspects. Consequently, if the GP works on the LIF and ensures the
         improvements and achieves positive changes, it will start to see in its outcomes, moves that will lead to:

             End poverty in all its forms everywhere

             End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition for children adolescent girls, pregnant women, and older persons

             Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

             Ensure that all children complete quality primary and secondary education have access to quality early childhood education
              and care

             Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

             Provide equal access to safe and affordable drinking water for all people achieving adequate sanitation and hygiene for all

             Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all

             Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth equal rights to economic resources for the poor and access to
              financial services to combat Poverty
             Strengthen the capacity to deal with climate-related hazards and natural disasters,

         Connect to NPA
         Total 17 indicators are included in theme -1 for assessment of the performance of the GPs under NPA. 6 indicators are considered
         from the same theme which include (1) percentage of unique active persons /job card holders provided employment who demanded
         employment under Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA), (2) percentage of eligible covered
         under Social Security Pension Scheme Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana–Grameen, (PMAY-G)/similar state-specific housing scheme,
         (3) percentage of population  covered under National Social Assistance Program (NSAP), (4) population covered under National
         Food  Security  Act  (NFSA),  (5)  percentage  of  Below  Poverty  Line  (BPL)  women  members  in  Self-Help  Groups  (SHGs)  and
         (6) percentage of SHGs accessed bank loans (SHGs indicator also covered in theme 9) However,11 indicators, (7) Percentage of
         0-3 years registered under ICDS out of total eligible children and (8) Percentage of 3-6 years registered under ICDS out of total
         eligible children, (9) percentage of pregnant and lactating mothers registered under ICDS out of total eligible Pregnant and lactating
         mothers, (10), beneficiaries under Pradhan Mantri Matritva Vandana Yojana, (11) Percentage of children aged under 5 years who are
         underweight, (12) Percentage of children under age 5 years who are wasted (13) percentage of pregnant and lactating mothers who
         are  anaemic,    (14)  percentage  of  children  age  6-59  months  who  are  anaemic,  (15)  percentage  of  beneficiaries  under  Ayushman
         Bharat) /similar state scheme (16) percentage of functional households tap water connection with 55LPCD  and (17) Percentage of
         households living in Kutcha houses are captured in different themes such as 2,3,4,6,7 and 9.

         Data required for Baseline

         While identifying the specific indicators the GP choses to work on, it would be very useful across other themes also in collecting the
         baseline data, so as to assess the current status of households in the village. Theme 1 focus is on not just poverty, seen as income, but
         the multi-dimensional nature of poverty, that can be seen in the status of housholds in relation to basic necessities and entitlements,
         including education and health, housing, water, toilet, amongst others.

                                         Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
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