Page 206 - PDI Vol 2
P. 206

Next is to look at the specific livelihoods in the village. The data collected should include information on income sources, economic
         activities, bottlenecks and needs for supporting improvement. Some very important elements in the baseline data for poverty free and
         enhanced livelihoods villages, covers the following:

           1)  Population below poverty line & poverty gap ratio,
           2)  Employment under MGNREGA,

           3)  Access to safe drinking water & Sanitation

           4)  Access to food grains at subsidized prices

           5)  Stunting & wasting in under-5 children

           6)  Agricultural productivity
           7)  Annual Growth Rate in Agriculture& allied sector

           8)  Maternal Mortality Ratio; Neo-natal & Under-5 Mortality Rates

           9)  Immunisation of children under-2 yrs
           10)   Incidence of HIV/AIDS, malaria & TB

           11)   Net Enrolment Ratio & Out of School Ratio

           12)   Crime against women

           13)   Women’s participation in decision making in PRIs
           14)   Access to electricity & clean cooking fuel

           15)   Access to bank accounts & banking outlets in villages

         Data Collection and Data Source

         This data can be collected from available data in the GP records as well as from the portal data that has been collected from the GP.
         Here the VPRP data would be extremely relevant. Additional survey where such data is not available, should be conducted using
         appropriate tools, such as questionnaires, focus group discussions, and key interviews.
         Data Validation

         Validating Gram Panchayat level data involves verifying the accuracy and completeness of the data. Where the data of SBM is used,
         it gets auto verified as per the guidelines. However, the data can be verified with the VPRP data. Similarly the MGNREGA and
         VPRP can be validated. The VPRP data in itself  gets  validated by the SHGs and the  Gram Sabha. Survey data  may be sample
         verified, or where it is more confidential, the discussion in SHGs or the federation at GP level can validate the data.


         The steps involved in monitoring under this Theme would vary depending on the specific program and context. Beneficiary selection
         and benefits received. For eg; if the target population, is to receive goats for the economic activity, the monitoring is to ensure the
         persons receive it.

         The next step would include the ensuring that the necessary support is there to ensure the income stream is coming and continuing.
         The GP may look at how all the persons with goats would be able to address common needs and issues, and find required solutions
         that will enable the increase in income and reduction of costs.

                                Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods Village
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