Page 95 - PDI_Report
P. 95

Normalization of the raw indicator values
         Normalization of indicators is an exercise to centralize and scaling them on a uniform basis so as to make them relatable to  each
         other in terms of magnitude. Normalization also helps in removing units and dimensions from an indicator.

         Normalization  of  the  indicators’  value  is  normally  done  based  on  the  minimum  and  maximum  observed  values.  The  indicators
         however are to be categorized as positive or negatively perceived indicators. The procedure of normalization in each case is reverse
         of others.

         Positive  indicators:  Using  maximum-minimum  observed  value-  For  indicators  where  higher  the  value  means  better  the
         performance, for example, the proportion of institutional deliveries, the following formula is used:

         Negative Indicators:  For indicators where higher the value implies lower the performance, for instance, Infant Mortality Rate,
         the following formula is used:


         Using  Target  values-  For  indicators  where  higher  the  value  means  better  the  performance,  for  example,  the  proportion  of
         institutional deliveries, the following formula was used:

                       For indicators where higher the value implies lower the performance, for instance, Infant Mortality Rate, the
                       following formula was used:

         Binary  Indicators:  There  are  also  binary  indicators  which  provide  information  on  the  existence  or  non-existence  of  some
         infrastructure or phenomenon etc. In such cases, the normal practice is to assign 0 (for non-existence) and 1 value (for existence).
         While this categorization serves its purpose for assessing the cumulative values but cannot be adopted ipso-facto for normalization
         process as the value 0 and 1 are not true values but are notional assigned values. In order to reduce the value of existence below the

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      69
   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100