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every State being for 31.3.2022 and the roll out for 31.3.2023,   understanding,  target  fixing,  analyzing,  interpretation  of
         with during the pilot, providing for the capacity building, a core   indicators, prioritizing etc.
         team  trained  in  every  State  on  the  aspects  of  PDI,  while
         simultaneously  understanding  and  developing  of  the  requisite   Target Values
         software for data collection and further calculations to provide   Target setting is an important aspect in such measurement. It is

         the baseline values of the Gram Panchayats as of now.   also extremely necessary so as to achieve higher levels that are
                                                                clearly  spelt  out.  It  would  have  to  be  meaningful  and  in  line
         Getting  correct  data  &  establishing  data  systems  in  the  first
                                                                with  the  overall  target  values.  Targets  for  Gram  Panchayats,
         phase is necessary for the whole PDI to be measured for all
                                                                actions  for  reaching  it,  and  measuring  progress  there  against,
         GPs, and to enable Gram Panchayats to look at their holistic
                                                                can  be  built  through  the  correlation  of  PDI  to  GPDP.  Gram
         development and achieving their targets under LSDGs.
                                                                Panchayats  that  achieve  targets  can  be  identified  and
         Gram Panchayats need to be motivated to look at their baseline   recognized. Catch up is necessarily to be heavily supported by
         and set targets for the timeframe that they can themselves fix,   the whole of government approach. Whole of society approach
         given from the overall larger picture to their best neighboring   will be naturally adding value to that.
         picture.  Their  GPDP  preparation  on  this  basis  of  baseline,
                                                                The  process  of  arriving  at  target  values  can  commence  soon
         vision and priorities would be an integral process for the Gram
                                                                after  the  baseline  details  are  collected.  Target  values  can  be
         Panchayat  seeing  the  progress  measured  at  regular  fixed
                                                                fixed  considering  National  Target  values  under  relevant  NIF,
         intervals.  Capacity  building  on  a  continuous  basis  has  a  huge
                                                                State's target values in the SIF, State's target values fixed for the
         role  to  play  in  the  process  of  data  collection,  baseline

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  64
   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95