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         financial  year  with  31   March  as  closing  date  is  the  most   data point would need to be put down while taking this into the
         prevailing  periodic  frame  for  planning  and  assessment  in  the   field.
         Government.  Accordingly,  it  is  natural  that  for  PDI  that  the
                                                                Certain figures would be more difficult to collect either as on
         Reference Period is  taken as 31/3 covering the year previous .
                                                                a date or for the year and would be an estimate, till a better
         Hence  assessing  PDI  in  the  year  2023  would  be  taking  the
                                                                mechanism  is  put  in  place.  For  e.g.:  Functional  Toilet  for
         reference period as the year ending 31.3.2023.
                                                                girls/boys. The availability of a toilet presumes functional. This
         There  may  be  some  glitches  in  adopting  a  common  reference   needs to be functional every day. The answer can be in a range
         period for all indicators as  for some indicators, the data may   that is given to choose from and based on the range the scoring
         have  been  recorded  at  a  certain  other  date/period  -  for  e.g.:   is done and this answer is to come from the users and not all
         Agriculture for the Fasli Year which is July to June. so, the   users  can  be  asked  and  hence  it  boils  down  to  a  survey  for
         Fasli year ending in June 2022 would be considered for the   collecting the figure. If the school had a mechanism of checking
         data.  That  is  the  closest  standardized  data  period.  Hence,   toilet functionality (and adequacy) which are parts of the School
         wherever  the  data  is  standardized  for  a  period  by  the   Development  and  Swachh  Bharat  Mission  Program,  that  can
         Department  which  is  the  source  of  data,  that  period  falling   provide the information in the Reference Period of the school
         before 31.3 of the year for which the PDI is being calculated   year, or for the period 1/4-31/3.
         would be taken. This is common for all Gram Panchayats and
                                                                 Required clarification on Reference Period for
         by being common, puts all on the same reference period for that
                                                                   each data point would need to be put down
         indicator.  Required  clarification  on  Reference  Period  for each   while taking this into the field.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  68
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99