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maximum  and  increase  the  value  of  Non-existence  above  the   against  women.  There  are  also  binary  indicators  with  Yes/No
         minimum,  the  normative  value  for  positive  Binary  indicators   answers on number of Indicators.
         may be kept at 75 ( for existence) and 25 (for non-existence).
                                                                The reading of the scores provides information to the GP on
         There is an element of subjectivity here and this value can also
                                                                each and every indicator, on where it stands and identify the
         be taken as 70/30 or 60/40 depending on the perception value of
                                                                areas  that  need  attention.  It  provides  scope  for  relevant
         binary indicators. For example, for existence or non-existence
                                                                analysis that can be done to enable a Gram Panchayat (Block,
         of ATM or Bank in the GP, which is not in the ambit of GP, a
                                                                District, State/Department) to target its work better, while also
         60/40 normalization can be appropriate. However, for indicators   accessing  and  pitching  for  programmes  more  tuned  to
         like Suvidha Kendra, Primary Health Centre a normalization of   addressing specific areas and issues, as also more effectively
         75/25 will be more appropriate.                        using funds to address a range of developmental issues in a

         The procedure will reverse for negative Binary indicators.   coordinated manner.
         Qualitative  indicators:  There are indicators where quality of   PDI for measurement of progress and incremental
         something  is  assessed  in  a  multiple  grade  manner.  These
         indicators  are  like  binary  indicators  but  with  many  graded   change
         categories  like  best/good/average/not  good/worst  or  fully
         satisfied/ satisfied/not sure/unsatisfied. In such cases, normative
         scores can be assigned in 0 to 100 range or 10 to 90 range by
         dividing them in equal range groups.
         Computing PDI

         PDI  score  at  the  unit  level  is  to  be  constructed  first  for  each
         theme  at  GP  level.  The  thematic  score  will  be  used  for
         developing a PDI value for the GP. The GP score will then be
         used to develop Block, District and State level scores for each

         theme as well as for the  composite PDI score.
                                                                The PDI provides a static value indicating the current status of
         PDI  at  unit  level  provides  the  single  composite  score    to
                                                                GP  at  that  point  of  time.  This  process  can  also  be  used  for
         understand  the  position  of  the  Gram  Panchayat  on  the
                                                                comparison of time series data on score of each thematic area
         developmental  frame  based  on  the  9  Themes  of  LSDGs,  the
                                                                can be interpreted as percentage of achievement of select targets
         reflection of the SDGs in rural India. It enables a measure of
                                                                of SDGs in rural area, year on year and cumulative changes for
         gap between the Gram Panchayat's position on a wide range of
                                                                the Time period.
         aspects relevant to persons of all ages in the Gram Panchayat
         (including survival of the foetus), and the position of the best   In  this  section,  the  method  of  measuring  the  variation  in
         Gram Panchayats in the Block, District, State, Country. It also   composite  score  of  a  GP  over  time  is  being  described.  It  is
         enables  measurement  to  know  the  distance  from  the  desired   required to measure the difference in composite score over time
         target that the Gram Panchayat wants to reach.         to assess the progress of a GP towards achieving the SDGs. A
                                                                positive  shift  in  the  composite  score  from  the  baseline  score
         The PDI that is a single composite score, consists of 9 Thematic
                                                                indicates improvement in overall performance of that GP. The
         scores.  Each  of  these  9  Themes  have  individual  indicator
                                                                mechanisms of measurement could be of the following types:
         scores.  The  measures  of  indicators  are  mostly  in  terms  of
         percentages  and  in  some  cases  pure  numbers.  For  e.g.,  %  of   1. Change from baseline - as a %
         households living in Kutcha houses; Number of cases of crime   2. Progress towards target - as a %

                                                                3. Change from previous year - as a %

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  70
   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101