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Weights for Block, District and State PDI              relating  to  poverty  and  demographic  rates,  other  than
                                                                population,  falls in this category. However, in many such cases,
         The process for computing a thematic and PDI score for a GP
                                                                annual estimates are also made available by different agencies.
         has been elaborated in earlier paras. These score can be used to
         generate  a  PDI  score  for  the  Blocks,  districts,  states  or  even    Considering the picture in totality, it is observed that majority
                                                                of indicators under consideration are updated on annual basis. It
                                                                is therefore natural that PDI may also have an annual frequency.
                                                                However, as PDI methodology is quite robust, PDI can easily
                                                                be  adjusted  for  a  lower  frequency  of  half  yearly  or  monthly
                                                                after  sometime  whenever  information  on  data  points  become
                                                                available, if felt required.
                                                                      The PDI is seen as an Annual index.

                                                                It is not suggested at this point that the PDI be calculated more
                                                                often than annually, but Indicator scores and Thematic  scores
                                                                can  be  seen  more  frequently,  and  as  required  to  be  seen
                                                                considering the nature of the activities and programmes planned
                                                                by the GP to progress on the indicator.  This would make the
                                                                constituents of the PDI monitorable for progress and action to
         a  National  estimate.  As  the  GP,  Block,  Districts  and  States   be taken by GPs and others, and not just provide a fait accompli
         varies  in  size  and  population,  it  will  be  irrational  to  simply
                                                                at the end of the year.
         aggregate the score without any weight. As PDI score is largely
                                                                The calculation of the SDGII is annual. The PDI is also seen as
         reflective  of  the  wellbeing  of  the  population  of  the  area,  it
                                                                an  annual  index.  Within  the  SDGII,  the  reference  periods  of
         would be most appropriate to take the population ratio as the
                                                                different indicators are different, such as in SDG-1, No Poverty
         weights.  However,  as  number  of  GPs  in  a  district  has  high
         correlation with population, proportion of GP in a district or a   it is data from MoSPI's Consumer Expenditure Survey, 2011-
         State can also be taken as weight for aggregating the GP score   12,  that is used. NFHS 4 was used till NFHS 5 data has come
                                                                in when such data is used, basically due to lack of other better
         for District or State PDI.
                                                                &  available  data  that  is  more  current.  Consequently,  the

         Frequency and Reference Period of PDI                  reflection on the Index figure naturally does not present current
         PDI  is  proposed  to  be  based  on  over  500  indicators  which   status.  In  the  third  round  of  the  index  calculation,  SDGII
         consist of almost 700 distinct data points. The data points are   however,  has  26  indicators  of  its  115  total  indicators  with
         diverse both in manner of collection of information as well as   immediately preceding year (2020-21) as the Reference period.
         the periodicity. Further, there are numerous agencies/authorities                             st
                                                                    Reference Period is taken as "31  March
         which  are  responsible  for  collection  of  information  on  these
                                                                          covering the preceding year"
         data points. The information in many cases is collected as part
         of Administrative process,  whereas in  some cases surveys are   Most  of  the  data  points  are  either  frequency  indicators  like
         conducted  to  collect  information.  As  a  consequence,  the   number  of  events/incidents  during  a  period  or  are  status
         information on data points is updated in a varied manner. The   indicators  like  no.  of  students,  population,  availability  of
         frequency of updation may be monthly, quarterly, half yearly or   infrastructure  etc.  In  order  to  have  a  fair  comparison,  all
         annually.  Information  on  some  indicators  is  updated  even  on   indicators should have the same reference period for frequency
         quinquennial  basis  or  in  a  bigger  time  frame.  The  indicators   data and same cut of date for status data points. The system of

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      67
   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98