Page 89 - PDI_Report
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Conceptual Relationship between LIF and PDI            refer  the  indicators  under  that  theme  i.e.,  LIF  and  respective

                                                                thematic score.
         LIF  indicators  and  thematic  score  estimated  based  on  these
         local indicators, mostly are unidimensional in nature. For e.g.,   PDI and LIF shares a coherent relationship and PDI cannot be
         Livestock  Aid  Centre,  Anganwadi  Centre,  Primary  Health   estimated without LIF, and LIF needs the PDI to project the GP
         Centre and such infrastructure reflects the self-sufficiency and   as  a  unitary  whole.  Thematic  score  reflects  the  strength  and
         quality of infrastructure, which is being measured and leads to   weakness of a GP in a particular theme while PDI reflects its
         the Thematic Score of Theme 6, Self-Sufficient Infrastructure.   overall performance. At the same time, the thematic score helps
         However, there are indicators for e.g., Maternal Mortality Ratio   a  GP  to  plan  its  GPDP  appropriately  giving  more  focus  to
         (MMR) that reflect the maternal health status, and the   thematic   comparatively less developed position of theme. It also ensures
         score for Theme 2: Healthy Villages but also reflects in Themes   optimum  utilization  of  funds  as  the  thematic  score  highlights
         3  and  9  of  Child  Friendly  and  Engendered  Development   the requirement and priority of a GP.
         respectively, as the 2 Themes also connects maternal health as   However, both needs to be interpreted separately as they have
         indicator relevant to it. That notwithstanding, as an indicator it   different  policy  implications.  The  LIF  has  multiple
         provides the progress of a GP towards achieving SDG targets   departments / Ministries clearly identifiable for involvement to
         only in health, and not in other sectors like education, economy,   direct its programmes and policy, while PDI gives the overall
         or environmental aspects.                              status of development of the GP, all GPs in the Block/District,

                                                                can  show  relative  backwardness  and  gap  between  the  GPs  -
                                                                developed/  developing/  needing  special  attention.    Progress

                                                                along  sectoral  /  department  deliverable  lines  can  be  seen
                                                                through  the  LIF  indicators  and  their  groupings,  and
                                                                interpretation, while on the other hand, PDI helps in monitoring

                                                                the  progress  at  holistic  level.  Positions  on  score  ranges  and

                                                                ranking  GPs  on  LIF  and  PDI  basis  can  provide  evidence  to
                                                                impact policy and programmes  at the national and State level.

                                                                Baseline data
                                                                The  starting  point  of  assessments  under  the  different  Themes
                                                                and arriving at a PDI value is at the baseline. Different Gram

                                                                Panchayats  are  at  different  levels  and  scores  will  more

                                                                measurably  reveal  it.  The  data  available  at  Gram  Panchayat
                                                                level needs to be collected for maximum number of data points
                                                                for getting the baseline of the Gram Panchayats. This would not

                                                                be a simple exercise. But as the Committee has done the work
         On the other hand, PDI is multidimensional as it includes scores   towards  the  proof  of  concept  of  PDI  (covered  in  the  next
         across all the themes, viz. social, economic, and environmental   chapter), that this can be done can be firmly said. This can be
         parameters etc. This single valued composite index provides a   for  the  year  ending  31.3.2022  or  31.3.2023,  with  the  pilot  in
         snapshot of the overall progress made by each GP. However, it   Different Gram Panchayats are at different
         averages  out  all  9  thematic  scores.  Hence,  to  assess  the   levels of development and baseline scores will
         development of a GP in a particular domain/theme, one needs to    more measurably reveal it.

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      63
   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94