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continuity to ensure delivery and monitoring would be issues.   the Theme that they chose, or from the 3 Themes that they have
         So  wherever  such  dynamism  is  there,  for  the  period  they  are   chosen,  plus  others  they  think  are  important.  So,  in  this
         there, something extra and focused may take place. That cannot   interpretation,  Mandatory  and  Priority  would  overlap.
         be  the  basis  at  this  point  to  become  the  basis  for  deciding   Mandatory  makes  it  the  basic  minimum  indicators  that  are  a
         priorities,  across  the  country.  Most  important  however  to   must for the GP. And as they work on it, the numbers can be
         consider is that none of these can take specific GPs grassroot   increased in the next year, either from the MoPR guideline or
         realities  into  account,  but  is  more  the  overarching  needs  and   by the State if they go beyond the MoPR number, or by the GPs
         goals. It is necessary that the role of local self-government and   themselves, who may choose more.
         the  specific  needs  in  GPs  are  given  priority  locally  and  the
                                                                This  selection  of  indicators,  and  numbers  selected,  when
         space  to  be  in  the  frame  of  the  GP  and  recognized
                                                                monitored,  can  help  identify  and  support  all  GPs  that  are
         systemically. The Committee feels that the deciding of Priority
                                                                working  on,  and  encourage  those  that  are  not  working  and
         Indicators be consciously left to the GPs. The technical platform
                                                                needing  extra  support,  and  give  special  recognition  to  those
         to  be  evolved  and  the  capacity  building  programmes  should
                                                                working  beyond  the  Mandatory  number.  The  MoPR  needs  to
         provide for this and the latter must emphasize this. This would
                                                                integrate this, into the eGramSwaraj, GPDP, NPA, Sankalp and
         be in line with strengthening the PRIs, policy and spirit of the
                                                                Capacity  building  for  GPs,  and  the  RGSA  guidelines  and
         constitutional amendment. In the technical system of PDI to be
                                                                implementation, to mention the key ones.
         developed,  while  calculating  the  value  of  PDI,  separate
         calculation  of  value  of  PDI  on  Priority  Indicators  set  can  be   Gram Panchayat freedom of choice for their
         made to differentiate the position with respect to these, getting   priorities and the mandatory number of
                                                                 indicators can bring them into an assessment
         focus to areas needing attention.
                                                                     framework, which also can be put on a
         Mandatory Indicators                                       comparison for ranking and recognition.

         Mandatory  indicators  are  a  call  that  would  be  for  basic
         minimum choice to be worked on by all Gram Panchayats. The   Further,  with  Gram  Panchayat  freedom  of  choice  for  their
         Mandatory indicators would be a sub-set of the LIF, and which   priorities and the mandatory number of indicators, it can bring
         indicators they would be, should be left to the GPs.    them into an assessment framework, which also can be put on a
                                                                comparison  for  ranking.  Here,  the  numbers  of  additional
              GPs must make a choice to work on a               indicators beyond mandatory numbers that the Gram Panchayat
           minimum number of Indicators, making this
                 the interpretation of Mandatory.               works on can be given points. The choice must be in terms of
                                                                those indicators which lead to an improvement in score of the
                                                                Theme by a certain margin, and this can vary from GP to GP.
         The Ministry of Panchayati Raj hence may insist that GPs must
                                                                This use of Mandatory Indicators would probably throw more
         make  a  choice  to  work  on  a  minimum  number  of  Indicators,
                                                                light on beacon GPs and those that may be in lowest position. In
         making this the interpretation of Mandatory. Surely, when GPs
                                                                case of the latter, the GP needs to be supported consciously by
         have  to  involve  themselves  and  work  on  such  numbers,  the
                                                                the Departments and District administration for those chosen by
         changes  one  can  see  will  also  be  in  as  many  numbers  of
                                                                them. (Consider the Aspirational Districts Programme of NITI
         indicators. Perhaps in a year there must be a choice of 100 that a
                                                                Aayog and the impact it has on the most backward districts for
         GP  must  make.  LSDG  at  GP  level,  considering  the  577
                                                                pushing their progress. The GPs within those districts may well
         indicators  (including  161  sub-indicators)  would  be  inevitably
                                                                be  the  choice  for  them  in  this  next  level  of  Indicator
         touched  within  5-6  years  and  substantial  achievement  levels
                                                                Framework.  Undoubtedly,  the  figures  of  the  District  and  the
         reached by 2030. Seen in the 9 Theme frame, it is just 11 per
                                                                aggregate of GPs for the District would resonate).
         Theme per year. If it is a Sankalp on a Theme it would be all in

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      59
   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90