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Further the NIF has a set of indicators for coastal states and its   Percentage  of  Children  age  6-59  months  who  are
         correlation to LIF has been also done. In view of the LIF being   anemic (<11.0g/dl)
         Gram Panchayat level assessment, it would give a very specific
                                                                       Percentage  of  Children  age  (5-14  years)  who  are
         picture of the coastal villages which is along the sea coast, or
         river  banks.  The  block,  district  &  State  are  coastal/river  bank
         villages  plus  away  from  it,  in  the  interior  with  no  coast/river   Percentage  of  Adolescent  (15-19)  Girls  who  are
         bank, they being administratively categorized due to one part of   anemic
         its geography. The strength of specificity of common indicators   Percentage  of  children  aged  under  5  years  who  are
         for  all  the  Coastal  GPs  is  in  the  LIF.  And  Agriculture  is  not   underweight
         common to the Coastal GP.
                                                                       Percentage  of  children  under  age  5  years  who  are
         The Committee also requested for feedback from all States on   stunted
         the LIF.
                                                                       Percentage  of  children  under  age  5  years  who  are
              Another level is Commonality of set of                   wasted.
         indicators in specific situation based on region
             and geographical location, and available             ‘Ayushman Bharat’ has in the Poverty Free and Enhanced
                           infrastructure                           Livelihoods Village, Healthy Village and Socially Secured
                                                                    Village -

         Priority Indicators

         Anaemia  Mukt  Bharat  by  end  2022  with  targets  to  reduce
         anemia,  JJM  'Har  ghar  jal'  (by  2024),  Hunger  free  India,  are
         examples  of  National  priorities.  Flagship  Schemes  provide
         National Priorities. Special care has been taken to include them
         in the LIF. Seen in this manner, some are listed below:

           'Anaemia Mukt Bharat' related indicators in the following
            in  the  Themes  (Poverty  Free  and  Enhanced  Livelihoods   Percentage  of  Households  covered  by  a  Health
            Village,  Healthy  Village,  Child  Friendly  Village,     Scheme  /Health  Insurance  under  Ayushman  Bharat
            Engendered Development in Village)                         Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana or any State Govt
                                                                       Health Scheme/Health Insurance

                                                                  ‘Jal  Jeevan  Mission’  and  ‘Swachh  Bharat  Mission’
                                                                    indicators  are  covered  in  Water  Sufficient  Village  and
                                                                    Clean and Green Village:
                                                                       Percentage  of  Functional  Household  Water  Tap

                                                                       connections (FHTC) with 55 LPCD
                                                                       Percentage  coverage  of  Water  supply  in  schools,
                                                                       Anganwadis and public institutions

                                                                       Percentage  of  Water  sample  testing  using  Field  Test
                                                                       Kit (P)

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      57
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88