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Constructing the Panchayat Development Index (PDI)     as to construct separate index for each theme with the intent to
                                                                identify the broad areas to focus for taking initiatives.
         It is therefore felt necessary  to evolve an index framework to
         assess the ground realties of status of development in Panchayat   Review of Literature
         and the efforts made by the local Governments in implementing
                                                                Research  on  status  incentives  by  World  Bank  in  2014  has
         the Programme and in realizing the developmental targets.
                                                                shown that ranking schemes which confer feelings of pride or
         The  proposed  developmental  indicators  to  be  known  as   shame may be a cost-effective way to shift state actions. India’s
         Panchayat Development Index (PDI) at  Gram Panchayat level   strong  federal  structure  provides  a  wider  scope  for
         is  derived    from  accounting  of  aggregation  of  developmental   experimenting  with  the  use  of  rankings  to  incentivize  better
         performance  parameters/indicators  based  on  the  LSDG  linked   performance  on  development  programs.  Although  there  are
         to relevant sectors/SDGs. Indicators for PDI are selected not for   many  initiatives  for  state  ranking  based  on  performances  in
         relevance  only,  but  also  for  regular  availability  of  updated   India,  this  is  the  first  central  initiative  to  assess  Gram
         information  so  that  such  indices  are  constructed  regularly,   Panchayats  on  their  progress  and  to  achieve  targets  as
         analyzed  and  publicized  for  understanding  the  developmental   mentioned in SDG.
                                                                A  systematic  review  of  literature  was  conducted  to
         The Panchayat Development Index is constructed on the basis   conceptualize  the  methodology  for  PDI  calculation.  The
         of  numerous  indicators  representing  various  dimensions  of
         development  of  the  region  and  the  population  living  therein.
                                                                     Inclusion criteria         Exclusion criteria
         The  indicators  varies  in  nature,  types  and  scope.  Taking
         indicators  as  part  of  developmental  initiatives,  these  can  be     It should be the report     Research article, thesis,
         categorized as output or outcome values. Indicators can also be   published by the owner of   working papers are not
         categorized  as  direct,  proxy  or  neutral  with  reference  to   the index (Central or state   included in the review
         Government programmes. Indicators can also be categorized by   government, research   process.
         types  of  values  like  quantifiable,  qualitative  and  binary.  The   institute)
         basket of indicators being used for constructing the PDI consists
                                                                 It should be the latest     Previous version of
         of all types of indicators.
                                                                   version of the report       report on any Index
         The Indicators chosen for PDI are primarily taken from Local
                                                                 The literature must be in     Reports in other language
         Indicator Framework (LIF) that  was part of the Report of the
                                                                   English language            except English
         Expert  Group  on  Localisation  of  SDGs  with  PRIs,  and
         developed  further  in  consultation  with  Ministries  and
         Departments  concerned  of  Government  of  India,  States,
                                                                inclusion and exclusion criteria for a literature to be included in
         Panchayats,  and  other  stakeholders.  LIF  have  strong
                                                                the review process were:
         concordance  with  National  Indicator  Framework  (NIF)  and
         Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDG).  The  basket  of   Considering above mentioned criteria, twelve indices have been
         indicators selected for PDI have been divided into 9 themes so   included  for  review.  Out  of  these  14  indices,  7  indices  are  at
                                                                global level whereas 7 indices are at national level. States have
                                                                developed the State Indicator Framework with guidance of NITI
                                                                Aayog and MoSPI, on the lines of the SDGII. And some have
                                                                developed the District Indicator Framework, on the lines of SIF
                                                                or Aspirational Districts.

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      53
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84