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Panchayat Development Index                            Different Nodal Ministries / Departments & their schemes have
                                                                also been linked with relevant SDGs and Targets. The Ministry
         The  Constitution  of  India  envisages  the  Panchayats  to  be
                                                                of  Panchayati  Raj  (MoPR)  with  the  mandate  to  build
         institutions  of  self-government  with  such  powers  and
                                                                institutional  capabilities  of  the  PRIs  to  deliver  SDGs  at  local
         authority  to  enable  them  to  function  as  institutions  of  self-
                                                                level is given a key role in reorienting the PRIs in this direction.
         government  and  for  the  preparation  of  plans  and
                                                                MoPR  also  is  constantly  evolving  itself  to  meet  the  needs  of
         implementation  of  schemes  for  economic  development  and
                                                                time and empower panchayats through innovation, facilitation,
         social  justice.  Panchayats  can  formulate/prepare  plans  and
                                                                guidance  and  advocacy  for  accomplishment  of  the  target.
         programmes in 29 subjects spanning from primary agricultural
                                                                Panchayat  Raj  Institutions  have  an  extent  of  flexibility  in
         activities  to  public  distribution  etc.  for  the  socio-economic
                                                                undertaking activities as per the local priority.
         development of the rural people.
                                                                 In the document “Transforming our world: the
         The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to
                                                                  2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”,
         achieve a better, more equitable and sustainable future for all.
                                                                  Member States underscored the importance
         The SDGs are a common mission for a ‘One World-One Planet’   of “quality, accessible, timely and reliable
         for  all.  The  17  SDGs  were  adopted  and  signed  by  all  UN   disaggregated data… to help with the
         Member  States  in  2015,  as  part  of  the  2030  agenda  for   measurement of progress and to ensure no
         sustainable  development.  Government  of  India  is  also  a   one is left behind”. (Paragraph 48).
         signatory to the United Nations SDGs 2030 agenda.
         The  ways  and  means  for  mainstreaming  the  SDG  agenda  at   Information Constraints at GP
         local  level,  would  require  the  active  involvement  of  PRIs  in   GP suffers from lack of information on the Resource Envelope
         directing/percolating  the  schematic  and  programmatic  benefits   of  Central  and  State  Government  programmes  planned  for
         to  the  rural  mass  with  the  core  concept  of  “Leave  No  One   implementation  in  the  GP.  GPs  come  up  with  a  long  list  of
         Behind”  of the Agenda of SDGs. Localizing SDGs in PRIs is   works with a heavy bent on infrastructure, with less attention to
         the responsibility of all Ministries as well as of MoPR, as work   socio-economic  and  environmental  aspects.  The  lack  of
         scope  of  most  Ministries  comprise  of  rural  areas.  MoPR  has   requisite  information  is,  therefore,  leading  to  lopsided
         played an anchoring role in localizing SDGs in PRIs in mission   development even within a Panchayat. An urgent need is felt to
         mode,  adopting  9  broad  themes  by  subsuming  more  than  one   start  building  reliable  financial  databases  in  Panchayats
         SDGs  under  each  theme  for  convergence  of  resources  and   connected to development status, measurements of progress at
         attainment of the goals.                               GP  level  for  planning  as  well  as  for  improving  governance

         The nine themes are:                                   system.
         Theme 1: Poverty Free and Enhanced Livelihoods in Village    The  aggregate  assessment  of  the  performance  of  a  sector  or
         Theme 2: Healthy Village                               more than a sector is normally measured by an index to help the
         Theme 3: Child-Friendly Village                        planners,  policymakers  and  change-seekers  to  evaluate  the

         Theme 4: Water Sufficient Village                      performance  of  various  parameters.  The  need  of  a
         Theme 5: Clean and Green Village                       developmental  index  at  the  local  level,  the  fundamental  local
         Theme 6: Village with Self-Sufficient Infrastructure   unit  of  self-governance  i.e.,  Gram  Panchayat  in  the  Indian
         Theme 7: Socially Just and Socially Secured Village    context  is  increasingly  felt  as  necessary,  as  a  measure  to
         Theme 8: Village with Good Governance                  monitor  and  assess  the  progress  of  their  development  on  a
         Theme 9: Women Friendly Village                        regular  basis  to  further  identify  the  gaps  and  improve  the
                   (Engendered Development in Village)          situation.

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