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Table 5.1: Summary of the Global Indices

         Indicators                           Dimensions                        Developed by

                                                                                Oxford  Poverty  and  Human  Development
         Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)   Health, Education, Standard of living
                                                                                Initiative, UNDP

                                              Life expectancy at birth, Expected and
         Human Development Index              average  years  of  schooling,  Gross  UNDP
                                              national Income

                                              Undernourishment,   child   wasting,
         Global Hunger Index                                                    Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe
                                              stunting, child mortality

         Child Development Index              Health, Nutrition, Education      Save the Children, UK

                                              MMR,       adolescent    fertility,
                                              parliamentary  seats  held  by  women,
         Gender Inequality Index                                                UNDP
                                              higher  education  attainment,  women’s
                                              participation in workforce
                                              Leadership,   laws   &   policies,

         Good Governance Index                institutions,  financial,  marketplace,   Chandler Institute of Governance
                                              global influence, helping people
                                              Prevention  of  pathogens,  epidemics,  Nuclear  Threat  initiative,  Johns  Hopkins
         Global Health Security Index         response,  sufficiency,  plans,  risk  Bloomberg  School  of  Public  Health,
                                              environment                       Economist impact

                                         Table 5.2: Summary of the National Indices

         Indicators                 Dimensions                                         Developed by
         SDG India Index            All 17 goals of SDG                                NITI Aayog

                                                                                       National Institute of Public
         India Child development
                                    Health, Nutrition, Education, Child welfare        Finance and Policy, New Delhi,
                                                                                       Save the Children

         Indian Annual Health Index   Health outcomes, Governance, Key inputs and process   NITI Aayog, MoH&FW
                                    Learning Outcomes, Access Outcomes, Infrastructure &
         School Education Quality
                                    Facilities for Outcomes, Equity Outcomes, Governance   NITI Aayog, MoE
                                    Processes Aiding Outcomes

         Ranking of state based on   Demography (coverage), Financial, completeness, cost-
                                                                                       Anti-corruption Evidence
         MGNREGA and PMGSY          efficiency, timeliness, quality

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  54
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85