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While  100  sounds  a  good  starting  number,  given  the  2030   must be done for really addressing all aspects of development
         Agenda being just 7 years away and total number of Indicators   on the village, and the wealth of data and clarity of needs in the
         at  577,  it  would  be  best  to  have  a  couple  of  consultative   GP is only just coming to be understood.
         workshops with GPs, to arrive at a good progressive timeline.
                                                                Depending on how the States respond and apply the framework
         Response  of  GPs  would  be  a  factor  of  capacity  building,
                                                                of  indicators  in  the  State,  Mandatory  indicators  may  well  be
         providing  them  with  the  tools  using  technology  and
                                                                including the group of State priority indicators, as the State may
         strengthening the PRIs ecosystem for their active involvement
                                                                extend its support for it as well as communicate it in its various
         and participation. Assessments based on Mandatory Indicators
                                                                interventions.  In  particular  on  Priority  and  Mandatory
         is  for  further  working  by  MoPR  with  understanding  how  the
                                                                Indicators,  if  the  involvement  and  role  of  State  and  State
         PDI gets crystallized in its use.
                                                                Government Departments is quite high, the outcomes would be
         It is worth mentioning here that the GPs had not only found all   very high, as the choice has been made by them in the funding
         indicators  relevant,  but  wanted  to  add  more,  during  the   patterns  and  Schemes,  in  particular  the  Flagship  schemes  and
         interaction  in  YASHADA,  Pune  in  June  2022  by  the   well connected to also the National priorities and targets to be
         Committee. Further, from the Panchayats that came forward for   achieved.  It  would  be  even  higher  if  the  State  recognizes  the
         data  collection  for  the  PDI  for  the  Report,  experience  of  it   role and purpose of participation of the PRIs, GPs, in particular,
         shared  by  a  GP  President  in  Maharashtra,  was  that  this  has   and  supports  them  in  their  choice  of  priority  indicators,  and
         given the information that there is so much more that can and   achievement of selected mandatory indicators.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  60
   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91