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performing  and  vice-versa.  It  may  be  due  to  some  other  GPs   Government needs to give excellent Capacity building on these
         performance  being  outstanding  and  vice-versa.  Therefore,   lines,  and  that  the  rest  of  the  funds  should  be  used  for
         unlike score of the GPs, ranks of the GPs are not independent of   incentivization. No direct flat assistance should be given as was
         each  other.  There  are  so  many  spheres  of  activity  and  scores   being done under the Scheme. This learning and feedback needs
         that can show multitudes of Gram Panchayats having improved.   to be built into the policy for incentivization. (Annexure - XII)
         The  giving  of  ranks,  would  not  be  a  fair  recognition  of  their
                                                                From  perspective  of  GPs  and  how  PDI  can  be  immediately
         work. On the other hand, groupings to Grades  may be better.
                                                                used, it is these ranks (at block level), score ranges’ grades and
         Score ranges can place you in Grades.
                                                                shifts  that  can  be  the  basis  for  assessing  developmental
         An  innovative  incentivization  mechanism  based  on  scores  for   positions.  All  of  this  must  be  open  to  all  to  see  and
         Performance  Based  Assessment  was  shown  way  back  in  the   communicated effectively to GPs
         year 2004-2006 in Tamil Nadu in the scheme called 'Namadhu
         Gramam'  (our  village)  that  harboured  the  concepts  of  ‘our   Panchayat Report Card
         village,  our  development’,  covering  many  of  the  Themes  of   Each Panchayat can be given its Report Card that gives the PDI
         LSDGs, and operated at a time when neither was there the funds   value and Thematic Scores and places it against the Best in the
         in  schemes  of  today,  nor  the  CFC  grants  quantum,  nor  the   Block,  District,  State  and  Country.  While  Block  and  District
         technology  handle.  The  reason  this  is  being  mentioned  is  its   would  be  the  GP  looking  at  its  immediate  vicinity,  and  next
         relevance in subject, concept and use of scores and indicators as   level  that  GPs  would  be  both  curious  about,  it  would  also
         measures bringing Gram Panchayats at the centre of it, as well   provide information to the BP and District/ZP for action. State
         as incentives that appreciate progress in all GPs. The feedback   and  Country  will  provide  a  higher-level  comparison  for
         from  GPs  during  its  operation  for  2  years  was  that  with  it   aspiration.
         phenomenal  transformation  is  possible  on  all  fronts.  The
                         Table 5.7: Assessment and report card on the performance of Gram Panchayat

          Panchayat Development Index
                            Best Panchayat score in   Best Panchayat score   Best Panchayat   Best Panchayat score in the
          Own score
                            Block                    in District         score in State    country
          Thematic scores
                                                          Best         Best Panchayat   Best        Best Panchayat
          Theme                                 Own
                  Theme                                   Panchayat in   in District   Panchayat in   in the Country
          No.                                   score
                                                          Block                       State
                   Poverty Free and Enhanced
                  Livelihoods Village

                  Healthy Village

                  Child Friendly Village
                    Water Sufficient Village

                  Clean and Green Village
                   Village with Self Sufficient
                    Socially Just and Socially Secured
                   Village with Good Governance

                  Women Friendly Village

                          Further full analysis based on PDI would also be available on the PDI IT platform in eGramSwaraj.

                                         PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                  74
   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105