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6.  Also training on how to understand PDI data and include   programme. It is hence essential to identify a set of Gram
            its inputs in preparation of GPDP, VPRP can be given to   Sevaks,  GP  Presidents,  SHG  members  (CRPs),  line
            the GPDP Facilitation Team, GP Members and VPRC. Use    department field staff and build their capacity step by step
            of video for larger coverage would be required. This can be   to higher levels as the PDI evolves.
            prepared based on the pilot of such work.
                                                                8.  NGOs involved in different sectors in the GPs, Institutions
         7.  Those  GPs  and  line  department  functionaries,  who  are   especially  those  involved  in  the  Unnat  Bharat  Abhiyaan
            clearly involved in this exercise and have collected the data   program with GPs, Civil society, need to be sensitized to it
            and  seen  its  value  to  them,  would  be  the  best  resource   and  can  also  be  involved  in  data  collection,  analysis,
            persons  for  taking  forward  the  capacity  building   feedback, training etc.

                              PDI Committee Report - 2023: Panchayat Development Index                      77
   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105   106   107   108