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where it is better or worse, are all matters to be seen in analysis. Looking at the facts, straight away the areas needing
         attention get spotted. Common indicators in the same Theme 2 for e.g., are:
                - percentage of pregnancies registered for ANC in first trimester to total pregnancies
                - percentage of children/adolescents affected by anaemia.
         For e.g., in the Theme 4, Water sufficient village, a common indicator is
                - percentage of households covered by FHTCs.

         Comparison of Gram Panchayats in coastal areas with fishing as their livelihood with farmers in villages with agriculture
         and/or  dairying  as  livelihoods,  cannot  be  done  on  fishing  related  indicators  for  agricultural  villages  and  agriculture
         related  indicators  for  fishing  villages  in  coastal  Gram  Panchayats.  If  all  are  put  together,  inevitably  the  value  in
         normalising will be zero in fishing for agricultural villages & zero in agriculture for fishing villages. Now, if we look at
         this shown at Gram Panchayat level, it will be meaningless for them.  Similarly, at Block & District level or State level
         PDI comparison /Theme score/Indicator score, these Gram Panchayats will be at bottom of the Indicator scores.
         'Not applicable’, hence not included in the calculation is a standard method to use. With this used, it will not be reflected
         for the Gram Panchayat and at other levels. The method used is similar and they are not considered in the calculations,
         when Not Applicable.

         When coming to the arithmetic mean for the Thematic score, the number of indicators & indicators per se considered,
         would be different for the different Gram Panchayats and the calculation would be using the numbers considered.

         The maximum differences come in Self-sufficient infrastructure, Theme 6.
         The  method  used  here  is  of  equalising  the  2  flows  of  indicators  to  be  considered,  as  this  would  not  only  give
         comparability of the Gram Panchayats, but also provide scope for grouping Gram Panchayats with similar infrastructure
         and  compare  their  scores  on  those  aspects  as  well.  Such  comparison  makes  it  more  focussed  for  action  by  Gram
         Panchayats and the Departments concerned. Best example is of Livestock Aid Centre- Not all Gram Panchayats have a
         Livestock  Aid  Centre.  Gram  Panchayats  that  have  a  Centre,  need  to  look  to  the  various  sub-indicators/points  of
         infrastructure.  Where  the  centre  is  not  there,  the  Gram  Panchayat  usually  gets  covered  by  the  Mobile  Unit  (in
         Maharashtra). For this unit to be able to deliver services, there is a list of points (sub-indicators) that is to be in place for
         that - in pre/during/post service. Hence, using the distinguishing question of - Is there a Livestock Centre in the village?
         Yes/No, the questions/sub-indicators to answer flows down the 2 different paths. For equalising the 2 paths, numbers of
         sub-indicators, simple LCM/ratio is used and the 2 are read on same base. Take the below e.g.: If in Gram Panchayat 1,
         there is a Livestock Aid Centre & in Gram Panchayat 2, there is no Livestock Aid Centre -

         This score is then used and the indicator is taken as only 1 for the score with regard to Livestock Aid Centre.

                      Table 6.1: Calculation and normalisation of scores for Indicators at Gram Panchayats

                     Gram                Number of             Score of Gram         Equalised Score
                     Panchayat            Indicators          Panchayat on its            of both
                                                            number of Indicators     Gram Panchayats

                     GP 1                    25                      10                   40/100

                     GP 2                    10                      5                    50/100

         The PoC has used the above-mentioned methods of use of common indicators, specific indicators and sub-indicators and
         tried to arrive at a fair & reflective calculation of the Gram Panchayat.

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